About me

I am an Assistant Professor at the Departmento de Matemáticas de la Universidad Católica de Chile.

My primary area of research is algebraic and geometric topology. I work on problems that relate to manifolds and their symmetries, fiber bundles, and also to Riemannian geometry.


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Facultad de Matemáticas

Santiago, Chile

E-mail: mauricio.bustamante@mat.uc.cl

Office: 135

Short CV


  • Assistant Professor (Profesor Asistente) at the Universidad Católica de Chile (2021-present).

  • Research Associate at University of Cambridge, UK (2019-2021).

  • Scientific Assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at Univeristy of Augsburg, Germany (2017-2019).

  • Postdoctoral Researcher at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, China (2016-2017).


  • Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA. Advisor: F.T. Farrell (2016).

  • M.Sc. Mathematics. UNAM, Morelia, Mexico. Advisor: J.A. Zapata (2010).

  • B.Sc. Physics. University of Antioquia, Colombia (2008).


  • Geometría diferencial. MAT2305. PUC 2022-1.

  • Introducción al álgebra lineal. PUC. 2021-2.

  • Introductory lectures on manifold topology: exotic spheres (taught with Manuel Krannich), September 7-18, 2020.

  • Teaching assistant: Algebraic Topology I, Augsburg (2018).

  • Topics in topology seminar (co-organized with Bernhard Hanke), Augsburg (2018).

  • Instructor: Calculus III, Binghamton University (2016).

  • Instructor: Ordinary Differential Equations, Binghamton (2014).

  • Instructor: Ordinary Differential Equations, Binghamton (2013).

  • Instructor: Calculus II, Binghamton University (2013).

  • Instructor: Calculus III, Binghamton University (2013).

  • Instructor: Calculus I, Binghamton University (2012).

  • Teaching assistant: Mathematics in Action (MATH 130), Binghamton (2012).

  • Teaching assistant: Mathematics in Action (MATH 130), Binghamton (2011).

  • Mathematics school teacher, Medellin, Colombia (2007). I taught eighth grade students as part of a special program aiming to increase mathematical skills of students from some public schools.


  • Co-organizer of the IV Bavarian Geometry and Topology Meeting, Augsburg, Germany (2018).

  • Co-organizer Riemannian Topology Meeting, Fribourg, Switzerland (2018).

  • Founder and organizer of the Binghamton University Math Graduate Student Seminar (2014-2015).

  • Co-organizer of the 7th Annual Binghamton University Graduate Conference in Algebra and Topology (2014).

  • Co-organizer of the 6th Annual Binghamton University Graduate Conference in Algebra and Topology (2013).


  • Viva Talbot! (2021).

  • Coloquio de Matemáticas Universidad Católica de Chile (2021).

  • Building Bridges Seminar: Invariants of embeddings spaces (2021).

  • Coloquio Oaxaqueño de Matemáticas (2021).

  • Groups and Manifolds Workshop, Oberwolfach (2020).

  • 3rd Bavarian Geometry and Topology Meeting, Regensburg, Germany (2018).

  • Workshop on Global Differential Geometry, Sanya, China (2018).

  • Miniworkshop on Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics, Oberwolfach (2017).

  • Geometry, Groups, and Topology, Karlsruhe, Germany (2016).

  • Workshop on Surgery and Geometry, Banff International
    Research Station, Canada (2016).

  • V Congreso Latinoamericano de Matemáticos, Barranquilla, Colombia (2016).

  • Topology of Manifolds: a conference in honour of Michael Weiss' 60th birthday, Lisbon, Portugal (2016).

  • Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference, Bloomington, Indiana (2016).

  • 1st Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and Applications, Zhangzhou, China (2015).

  • Binghamton University Graduate Conference in Algebra and Topology (BUGCAT), Binghamton (2014).

  • Between 2016 and 2022, I have been invited to give research seminar talks at various institutions: Durham (UK), Leeds (UK), Warwick (UK), ENS Lyon (France), Copenhagen (Denmark), KTH (Sweden), Bonn (Germany) (x 2), Munich (Germany), UAM (Spain), Fribourg (Switzerland), Muenster (x 2) (Germany), Cambridge (UK), Augsburg (Germany), UNacional (Colombia), OSU (USA) (x2), CCM (Mexico), Brown (USA), Yau Math Center (Beijing).