Free Books to Download

Please respect my copyright by not plagiarizing any portion of these free-to-download books for your own use in any format.

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Yang-Style Taiji by Michael Babin ©2007.pdf

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My last published book, YANG STYLE TAIJI, [ISBN 10: 1-58160-618-4, 2007] is of interest to taiji practitioners from any style as well as those beginners who want to explore the theory and applications of taijiquan from a common-sense martial perspective. While it does contain some photos this is not a "how-to" book as it is impossible to learn much of value in terms of body mechanics and combative techniques from even the best textbook.

Thoughts on Learning Bagua©2004.pdf

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I originally self-published this short book [ISBN 0-9735370-0-0] for those in my group classes; however, this was never meant to be a how-to manual as very little physical skills can be learned that way – especially for beginners. Hands-on instruction is essential to build skill even though theoretical understanding is also helpful in the long-run. Thanks to Anjela Popova [R.I.P.] for the photography and the graphic design and layout by Vassili Bykov as well as the cover artwork by Kaia Knightingale.