Week 4 Portfolio

This is the last day of the program! The app is finally complete and functional and the presentation is done. Yesterday I worked on this app by myself until 5:30 so now thats its done a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Im so incredibly grateful for this experience because ive learned so much. Ive learned how to deal with people and resolve conflicts among each other. Ive also finally figured out what I want to be which is all because of this problem. I finally feel qualified and validated. This was a very rewarding experience and im so grateful to everyone that was apart of it.

Today we worked on the presentation and fixed final bugs

Portfolio DOcumentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BZUDSEBkJkNZy_7h2Lj8B_vGRuQ4QT6f3fEmj3kKb9I/edit?usp=sharing