MBoard : Terms & Conditions

End User Licence Agreement 

    By using this app, you agree to accept the following Terms and Conditions.
    MBoard (hereinafter referred to as "the app") is created and maintained by Atul Nair (hereinafter referred to as "the developer").

    1. No warranty
    The app is provided "as is" with no insurance or warranty of any kind. MBoard is an input method software for the Android operating system with absolutely no warranty.
    The developer shall not be liable for any cost and-or problems that the user might incur from the use of this app directly or indirectly.

    2. Right to ownership and modification.
    The developer has complete rights to the application and can modify, delete or unpublish it at any point of time without prior notice.

    3. Restriction on Abuse.
    The developer would not be responsible for any abuse, crime or similar deed that the user did which involves the app directly or otherwise.
    User shall have sole responsibility for how he uses the app.

    4. Copyright notice.
    The results obtained through search might contain copyrighted material. The user is not encouraged to use it for commercial purposes. The user shall have complete responsibility for any copyright infringement issue. The user is discouraged to use copyrighted material obtained from the application.

    5. Non-liability notice.
    If the application is terminated for some reason or it stops working, the developer cannot be held responsible for it.
    The developer is also not liable to refund of purchased in-app products in such an event.

    6. Affiliation with other apps.
    The app is not affiliated with any other apps including messaging apps. The developer shall not be responsible or questionable for any issues and-or problems that happened from other applications while using this app.

    7. Authority over the Terms and Conditions
    This terms and conditions are not final and could be changed at any time by the developer without prior notice and the most recent version available in the latest update of the application in the play store.