A brief background

Researcher at RICE, University of West Bohemia (UWB), specializing in machine learning, deep learning with a concentration on analyzing complex systems. Experienced in modeling and optimizing nonlinear systems, signals, circuits, and mechanisms. Programming languages including MATLAB, Python, and C. Strong background in system analysis and data mining. Publishing +40 papers in most prestigious publishers, e.g. Nature, IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, T&F, and Wiley. Serving as a reviewer and technical committee member in +30 international journals and IEEE conferences. Collaborating with international researchers at universities around the world such as the University of California, Berkley, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Waseda University of Tokyo, Seoul National University, Texas A&M University, Louisiana State University, Medical University of Tehran, University of Toronto, Macquarie University, Edinburgh Napier University, University of Alberta, and British University in Dubai.

Where we are today

I am pleased to announce that our paper entitled “Artificial Intelligence and COVID-19: Deep Learning Approaches for Diagnosis and Treatment" has been selected as the Hot Paper in the field of Engineering.

Hot Papers are papers published in the last two years that are receiving citations quickly after publication. These papers have been cited enough times in the most recent bi-monthly period to place them in the top 0.1% when compared to papers in the same field and added to the database in the same period.

Web of Science:


Link of the paper:


Caption for a recent accomplishment