Royalton Blue Waters Private Shuttle Service

High quality Royalton Blue Waters Private Transportation Service is one of the hallmarks of Best Jamaica Travels, the number one transportation service provided in Jamaica.

Book your private airport transportation service in advance with us and we will reserve a private vehicle for you which will be awaiting your arrival at the airport. At Best Jamaica Travels, we don’t offer just seats on the bus, we offer a service. We see ourselves as the Guardian of Your Satisfaction always ensuring that your time with us is of the highest standards.

The Royalton White Sands is about 30 minutes east of the Montego Bay Airport along the A1 northern coastal highway. It is a great resort and much can be expected while staying there. However, Jamaica is more than a resort and so we implore you to get out of the resort at least for a day and explore the island a bit. There are many things to see and do.

Let us help you create the Best Jamaica Experience, as we are quite adept in planning private excursions.