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I am currently a number theory postdoc at the University of Bristol. I am co-organising the GWNT seminar.

My research interests are mainly in questions related to root numbers, hyperelliptic curves, the inverse Galois problem and the Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture; see below for a list of my papers. All of my preprints may be found on arXiv.

My email address is firstname.lastname@bristol.ac.uk (where firstname and lastname should be replaced by the obvious things).

Publications and preprints


A user's guide to the local arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves, with A. Best, L. A. Betts, R. van Bommel, V. Dokchitser, O. Faraggi, S. Kunzweiler, C. Maistret, A. Morgan, S. Muselli, S. Nowell, Bulletin of the LMS (2022) Journal  arXiv 

Root number of the Jacobian of y^2=x^p+a, Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux  (2022)  Journal arXiv 

Clusters, inertia, and root numbers, Funct. Approx, Comment. Math. (2022) Journal  arXiv

Tame torsion and the tame inverse Galois problem, with T. Dokchitser, Math Annalen (2021) Journal (open access) arXiv

Tame torsion, the tame inverse Galois problem, and endomorphisms, Manuscripta Math. (2021) Journal (open access) arXiv 

Explicit root numbers of abelian varietiesTransactions of the AMS  (2019)  Journal arXiv 

On the Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture and Schur indices, with V. Dokchitser, Bulletin of the LMS (2018)    Journal (open access)   arXiv

Frobenius elements in Galois representations with SL_n image, Journal of Number Theory (2018)  Journal   arXiv


Conductors of twisted Weil--Deligne representations, with R. Paterson (2023) arXiv