Papers Submission and Presentation

MBDW 2020 welcomes research contributions on all aspects of Maritime Big Data.

The submission of tested solutions is encouraged. In order to evaluate their proposals, the workshop participants can take advantage of the open heterogeneous maritime dataset provided by the organisers.

Workshop topics

Topics of interest for MBDW 2020 include:

  • Maritime big data management
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning for maritime big data
  • Maritime information systems
  • Big ocean data
  • Big data for Maritime 4.0
  • HPC and architectures for maritime big data
  • Maritime entities linkage and semantic-driven integration of maritime data
  • Linked data for maritime
  • Maritime data fabrics
  • Maritime mobility data and behavioural analysis
  • Big data for maritime network analysis
  • Standards and exchange data models for maritime data
  • Maritime data ICT and cyber security
  • Information visualisation and visual analytics for maritime data
  • Maritime information fusion
  • Maritime situational awareness
  • Maritime autonomous systems
  • Models for maritime environment state monitoring and preservation
  • Models for vessel performance analysis and energy efficiency
  • Decision systems for reliable early-warning and maritime situational awareness
  • Uncertainty representation and handling of maritime data
  • Cognitive engineering for maritime systems
  • Business models for open maritime data
  • Open maritime data space

Submission guidelines

The deadline for MBDW 2020 submissions is 26th April 2020 (extended). EXPIRED

The length of MBDW 2020 papers is limited to 6 pages (including pictures, references, and appendices) using IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines. See templates here.

Please use the following URL link for submissions: CLOSED

Camera Ready

Camera ready of accepted papers must be submitted by May 29th, 2020 (EXPIRED) following MDM 2020 instructions


At least on author for each accepted papers is requested to make a Paper registration to MDM 2020 by May 22nd (EXPIRED)

See Additional authors can register as Other participants.


The authors of the accepted presentations will have 10' to present their papers. Presentation will be tentatively live and will be followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers.

All authors of accepted papers are also required to record a 10 minute video of their presentation and upload it to by 15 June 2020 (EXPIRED)

  • File format: MP4. Minimum height: 480 pixels. Aspect Ratio: 16:9 - Preferred video size: 1920x1080. Slide Size must be set to Widescreen mode (16:9)
  • Video File name (UPDATED)
    • Regular paper: MBDW2020-PaperID-PresenterLastName-Long-versionNumber.mp4
    • Short paper: MBDW2020-PaperID-PresenterLastName-Short-versionNumber.mp4
  • First slide of the presentation must include the title of the paper, the name of the presenter and mention MBDW 2020 and MDM 2020.

Proceedings and Journal extension

All accepted workshop papers will be published through IEEE Computer Society.

A selection of the best papers accepted at MBDW 2020 will be considered for a special issue in the Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science. All papers in Geo-spatial Information Science are open access. Publishing costs are currently covered by Wuhan University on behalf of authors for all accepted papers.

Important dates

  • Submission of papers: April 26th 2020 (extended)
  • Notification of acceptance: May 15th, 2020 (extended)
  • Author Registration: May 22nd, 2020
  • Camera ready submission: May 29th, 2020 (firm)
  • Upload of video presentations: June 15th (firm)
  • MBDW 2020: June 30th, 2020 (online)


Papers and workshop presentations will be in English.