Job Postings

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Postdoctoral Researcher Position at the Vantuna Research Group in Los Angeles CA

The Vantuna Research Group ( at Occidental College is seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher to assist with its extensive grant-funded field research program. The researcher will be mentored by Dr. Dan Pondella (Occidental College) and Dr. Jeremy Claisse (Cal Poly Pomona). Primary responsibilities are associated with a grant from the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management investigating the environmental status of offshore artificial structures in California. The goals of this project are to collect, integrate and analyze relevant ecological, habitat complexity, and environmental metrics to develop an improved understanding of local- to regional-scale influence of marine infrastructure and artificial reef habitats. Research results will support decision-making around decommissioning of oil and gas infrastructure, offshore renewable energy development, and reef restoration projects. Must be self-motivated and eager to participate in team-oriented research on multiple ongoing projects including rocky reef and kelp forest habitat restoration, MPA impacts, and long-term rocky reef monitoring time-series analysis. Day-to-day duties include substantive involvement in data analysis, database development and management, and field work (often multiple days per week), including scientific diving, ROV surveys, and/or geophysical (i.e., bathymetric and side scan sonar) surveys.


This is 2-year full-time exempt appointment with competitive benefits and a starting salary of $70k+, with possibility of extension based on funding availability. Candidate is expected to be based out of Los Angeles for the duration of the appointment. Start date is negotiable but ideally would start prior to June 30, 2023.

**This is the same position that was advertised last year but updated with an extended start date and increased salary range **


The job ad can be found here: