
I am new to use Ni Modbus, Kindly help me with below as I am stuck at very initial stage

I am trying to create Modbus slave using LabVIEW where I have to send data when master sends a query. the master will always send query to read holding registers with different starting address (Starting address 00H, 51H, A2H.. etc) . I am stuck at how to decode the query which is coming from master, to compare starting address and send data accordingly.


I am connecting to master using a com port (Visa resource). 

There are so many examples on internet that i m really stuck what to use and what not.

I have tried numerous ways but found stuck someway or other.

Can you suggest any tutorial for Ni Modbus?

I am attaching a vi but I dnt know if that make sense.

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There's a tool that's basically a big screwdriver with a controller that can be programmed to make certain jobs using desired speed and torque, it's called Handy2000. You can save in different channels the configurations for the different jobs. The controller has its own software, and I can already connect to it and read/write with no problem using an ethernet cable.

I already checked the example functions to use my pc as master and slave and watched the codes for the different type of data (coil, input, input register, holding register), but I don't know how I should start programming, and the most important thing is how to make some tests in the process to check that I'm having the communication between the pc and the controller. I already read in the forum and learned a lot, but failed to see as a completely newbie how to make and change the basic setups to make the thing work.

Now I tried to do it connected with ethernet cable to the controller using the Master Ethernet Example, and set the "Remote IP Address" to the address of the controller (which I already tested with ping and the connection with my PC is fine, and also I have no problem reading and writing with the controller's software). And when I run it, I get the error 56. The error tells me that it happens at TCP Read in MB Ethernet receive.vi:5. I attached the photo of that vi.

My master data sheet is named MASTER.In my sheet named PRINT I want to be able to use a date picker, or somehow be prompted for a date, and then a Query pulls data from Master where date selected matches dates in MASTER column B. I have tried the following Query statement but it will only work if I change both sheets Date columns to TEXT format. I need to keep my date formats as is. If all that makes sense, I would really appreciate some help. My end goal is I just want a huge list of fabrication jobs, listed by date, to be queried and pulled to another sheet for printing. Leaving all Master data in tact and where the PRINT sheet can simply have a date change done by any user and get the list they need.

I am using Stm32f0 as the modbus rtu MASTER, I have done setting up UART1 Rx and Tx for communication, I am sending the Master query to the Slave device (Simply Modbus Slave application) link If I connect RX and Tx of mcu to USB to ttl converter then I am getting slave response but when I connect RS-485 to mcu and send a master query to slave then I'm not getting any response from a slave, attaching a code.

Here is my problem. In an industrial automation environment we have one Modbus Master system and serveral Modbus slave's (13 x PLC's/PC devices). Modbus communication is working, but frequently (twice per hour) we lose the connection to one of the devices (everytime a different device). This takes a couple of seconds (10-20 sec) and then the communication starts again. We can see that the frequency of missing the connection is related to the number of slaves active on the network. When we have less slaves on the network it still happens but less frequent. In our Modbus Master system there is no good log available to see what is happening. I used Wireshark to capture the datatrafic between the master and the slaves. I've got a situation captured, but to be honest i really don't know what i am looking at in Wireshark. Hopefully someone can explain to me what the Wireshark log can tell me. Thanks,

Looking at the Modbus/TCP headers you can see the "Transaction Identifier" that allows the master to match up responses to queries and have multiple queries in flight. Standard Modbus doesn't have this as it's a strict request/response protocol, but the TCP variant does.

So the query in frame 29986 has TI's 28532-28534. The response (30004) has the responses to those TI's. The next query (30006) has TI's 28535 & 6. The next response (30067) has the responses to those TI's. The next query (30069) has TI's 28537-28540. The next response (30107) only has TI's 28537 & 8 so TI 28539 & 40 are still outstanding (in flight). The master then sends a query (30109) with TI 28541 and then another query (30126) with TI 28542-28544. Note that the latter two are actually coil writes so I'm speculating that the master pushed the writes out immediately (as we all like output ops to happen quickly) so now we have TI's 25839-25844 all in-flight. The rtu responds (30149) with TI 25839 & 40, so TI's 25841-44 are still in-flight. Now we have the near 10 second gap until the rtu sends the tcp keep-alive (36817) and very quickly after that the master closes the connection.

I think that the number of TI's in-flight (4) cause the master to not send any more queries until the rtu responds, and as this doesn't happen in 10 seconds or so (a master timeout?) the master recycles the connection. I would further speculate that if the master has a write request, it may exceed the "normal" number of in-flight requests.

You need to check the permitted number of in-flight requests for the rtu, and (if possible) configure the master to not exceed that. Out of interest can you name the master software and the rtu vendor?

I also note that the master is not coalescing reads, i.e. it's sending out "overlapping" read requests and thus it's not making the most efficient use of bandwidth, e.g. frame 29869 requests 70 registers from starting index 201 (201-270), and then the next query (29916) in TI 28528 requests 1 register from index 206. This new read is entirely contained in the previous query.

However as I have a Wireshark hat on at the moment not the day job, try reducing the number of outstanding messages. This means the rtu doesn't have to buffer as many responses. Increasing it just means that the master can send even more requests before giving up on the rtu, and the rtu has to buffer all those requests and responses.

For example: filter on 'ip.addr eq' and then look at frames 12481 and 12504. You will see that 5 'Read Input Registers' queries and 1 'Read Discrete Inputs' query are queued before there is a response.

The master does exceed the configured number of messages outstanding though, and depending on how the rtu reacts to that is the cause of the problem. In the area I looked at, the rtu just fails to respond, so what is it doing? At best it's just running normally but the comms stack is a little behind and will catch up eventually. At worst the rtu may be undergoing a reset which is not likely to have a good effect on the equipment it's controlling.

Hopefully reducing the limit on the number of outstanding messages means that the master will reduce the actual outstanding messages, even if it does exceed the limit a little and the rtu will cope better. Personally I'd set it to 1.

I filtered by the ip address of the target rtu (ip.addr == and can see that at frame 36817 the rtu sent a tcp keep-alive 9 seconds after the last communication from the master (30207), and the master ACK'd that then almost immediately after closed the connection and opened it again. Again after the ACK from the master indicating the connection was open (37003) there is a 9 second delay before the rtu sends a TCP Keep-alive (43200) and the master sends back the ack (43201). Half a second later the master starts sending requests.

So what happened around this period of interruption? Clearing the display filter to see all packets shows that the master is quite happily exchanging packets with other Modbus/TCP rtu's, and plenty of other traffic, e.g.CIP, some SQL server and some TPKT. There doesn't seem to be any issue with the network, may be the master is just too busy?

The first capture shows the master seeming to hiccup (not sending any queries for a while), then closing the connection and then after a new connection is opened, still delaying before sending another query.

TanStack Query provides three different network modes to distinguish how Queries and Mutations should behave if you have no network connection. This mode can be set for each Query / Mutation individually, or globally via the query / mutation defaults.

In this mode, Queries and Mutations will not fire unless you have network connection. This is the default mode. If a fetch is initiated for a query, it will always stay in the state (loading, error, success) it is in if the fetch cannot be made because there is no network connection. However, a fetchStatus is exposed additionally. This can be either:

If a query runs because you are online, but you go offline while the fetch is still happening, TanStack Query will also pause the retry mechanism. Paused queries will then continue to run once you re-gain network connection. This is independent of refetchOnReconnect (which also defaults to true in this mode), because it is not a refetch, but rather a continue. If the query has been cancelled in the meantime, it will not continue.

In this mode, TanStack Query will always fetch and ignore the online / offline state. This is likely the mode you want to choose if you use TanStack Query in an environment where you don't need an active network connection for your Queries to work - e.g. if you just read from AsyncStorage, or if you just want to return Promise.resolve(5) from your queryFn. e24fc04721

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