This is part of my Notion Notebook. I hope it will be useful for other researchers and engineers


mmWave for 5G, it will work! (The initial trials to experiment mmWave for 5G)

5G Qualcomm Experiments

mmTag : The first backscattering network at mmWave for high data-rate and low power communication

Metasurface for mmWave

mmX: A cool IoT node at mmWave mountable on Rasbperry pi

Faster than Starlink? so you should look at mmWave SATCOM. The mmWave beamformer IC is game changing.

Probably you need information on antenna arrays. Take a look on antenna array section!

Antenna arrays

Array 101, beamforming, etc. a necessary tool to start from

If you need details, take a look on Elliot's book and definitely Mailloux's

Asking about array Noise Figure, SNR, ... Get the idea from Lee's paper

Zero-knowledge Beamforming to know alittle more about practical beamforming challenges and solutions

Time Modulated Arrays are another architecture for beamforming. It has pros and cons!

What is TMA's Noise Figure and how does it stand compared to phased array?

TMA can easily provide polarization diversity


In short, how to create new types of materials that exhibit exotic behaviours that are not found in nature!

Engheta's book: Introduces most aspects of metamaterial world. Enjoy introduction to ENZ 

Marques book: practical structurs for implementing Metamaterials

Here is why I think ENZ can act as a superconductor

We used ENZ to create single layer broadband Microstrip antenna


RF in RFID: very helpful to investigate different RF aspects of RFID technology

Zero power Touchpad Using RFID