🗨️ CHAT RULES - チャットルール

!! みんな仲良く楽しむ !!

! Enjoy and get along with everyone



I have incorporated this into the rules because I don't have a good image of people who chat with me without greeting me.

If there is a greeting, I can easily tell that this person has read the rules.



Please understand that it is difficult to accommodate each language while STREAMING.

Thank you for trying to communicate with us despite our different languages!



My channel is watched by people from many different countries.

Please remember that even if they speak a different language or come from a different country, they are human beings with the same heart.


In the past, there were people who suddenly posted strange URLs, so we have banned them entirely.




I have felt uncomfortable when people chat about how I look like XXX or compare me to other Streamers.

I also wondered why they were watching my stream when they kept a lot talking about other Streamers that I didn't ask about.

I want you to remember that Mayuko is more offended by other Streamer's stories than you think.



It is not my intention to make the chat atmosphere worse.

If you have a problem, I would like you to either go through with it or be sure to let Mayuko know.



Please keep in mind that topics are safe for elementary and junior high school students to watch.

Also, the line is determined by Mayuko. Please refrain from presenting your lines to those around you regardless of Mayuko's intentions.

Please refrain from using English slang. (Some are set as prohibited words) 



Slang often does not work with translation tools.

If you use it, assume that Mayuko will not understand the correct meaning.

It is hard to consciously change words we use on a daily basis, but we like people who are willing to step up to the plate and choose the right words.



Even if you feel close to someone, Mayuko will not consider you a close friend if you have not had a conversation with her.

No matter how good a person you are, if you don't have a conversation, it will not be conveyed to mayuko.



Paying attention to each and every one of them can make the air of STREAM worse, and mayuko is also tired.

We are happy to have them chat with us, but if they go through with it, it would be helpful if they were aware of whether it was intentional or not.

Last update :April 05 2023