Read Rabbi Stiefel's Monthly Article
Mayim Rabim is an urban, inclusive, heymish congregation that welcomes visitors. We are an urban Jewish community that comprises people of diverse ages, abilities, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, and financial resources.
Read more about Mayim Rabim and Reconstructionism at Reconstructionist Judaism: Born in the USA | TC Jewfolk
Unless otherwise indicated, all programs are held at 4401 York Ave S, Minneapolis. BEGINNING MARCH 2022, MOST EVENTS WILL BE HELD AS HYBRID, WITH CHOICE OF IN PERSON OR ZOOM.
Contact office for Zoom links.
Upcoming Events
Contact office @ for Zoom links.
Most events are in person AND on zoom
Saturday, September 21, 10 – 11:30 AM
Shabbat Morning Service and Potluck
Sunday, September 22, 5-7 PM
Israel Palestine Study Group
Saturday, September 28, 7:15 – 10PM
Community Selichot at Bet Shalom, in Minnetonka
September 30: Loaves and Fishes Meal Service
at Holy Rosary
High Holiday Services at Mayim Rabim
Wednesday, October 2, Erev Rosh Hashanah
Thursday, October 3, Rosh Hashanah Day 1
Friday October 4, Rosh Hashanah Day 2
Friday October 11, Kol Nidre
Saturday October 12, Yom Kippur
Sunday, October 20, 2-4 PM
Open Sukkah at home of
Rabbi Stiefel and Davida Alperin
Saturday, October 26, 10-Noon
Study Shabbat and Potluck
Sunday October 27, 10:30 am-Noon,
Mayim Rabim Book Group, Zoom only.
"The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of
Auschwitz to Warn the World"
by Jonathan Freedland
Mailing Address:
Mayim Rabim Congregation
2801 Hennepin Ave, Suite 236
Minneapolis, MN 55408
If you would like to make a contribution to Mayim Rabim,
click the Donate button.
Please consider adding 3% to your donation to cover credit card fees.
POSTPONED: Friday April 17 – Sunday April 19: Rabbi Maurice Harris,
Reconstructing Judaism, visits Mayim Rabim
The Reconstructionist movement is also offering a weekly Virtual Shabbat Box with essays, meditations and other resources for your senses that you can download and digest for Shabbat.
Unless otherwise indicated, all programs are held at
4401 York Ave S (Friends Meeting House).
Most events are held at 4401 York Ave S.
Minneapolis, MN
Mailing Address
2801 Hennepin Ave. S. Suite236
Minneapolis, MN 55408
About Us
Mayim Rabim Congregation, founded in 1992, is affiliated with the Jewish Reconstructionist movement. We are an urban Jewish community that comprises people of diverse ages, abilities, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, and financial resources. We strive to create and sustain spaces that enhance the practice of Judaism in the contemporary world; to that end, we are a house of prayer, of study, and tikkun olam (the repair of the world). As Reconstructionists, we view Judaism as an evolving religious civilization and claim a shared heritage with all Jews.
We are an inclusive, heymish congregation and we welcome visitors!
If you would like to make a donation to Mayim Rabim, click here.Please consider adding 3% to your donation to cover credit card fees.
Mayim Rabim Congregation