Why take the focus off of grades?

There is a lot of evidence that would tell us that grades are not good for our kids. They are the system that many teachers and parents grew up with, but they are not necessarily the best system. If we want our students to learn how to think critically, make good choices, and learn for life, we need to step beyond the "carrot and stick" of grades, and concentrate on the learning that takes place. We are preparing them for a world of work that doesn't exist yet. Memorizing is not a valuable skill for the future. Students will show evidence of their learning through classroom observations, portfolios, interviews, projects, videos, blogs, etc. We will still see conventional tests and essays, but as a part of a bigger picture.

Below are a few articles and videos that give more information about why grades don't support learning -- or the wellness of our students.



De-Grading Education

by Elizabeth Wissner-Gross (11:07)

Standards Based Grading and the Game of School

by Craig Messerman (5:22)
