AI/ML Researcher

Hi, I am Mayank Nagda


I am a Computer Scientist and an AI Researcher at RPTU Kaiserslautern, Germany. I am primarily interested in integrating expert (or domain) knowledge with machine learning. Currently, I am working on the alignment of neural networks. Application area include (but not limited to): NLP, LLMs, Physics-informed Machine Learning, etc. 

I generally like to learn cool new stuff and enjoy engaging in discussions to tackle pertinent ML/AI challenges.

Recent News

16.05.2024: Paper Accepted at ACL 2024. Title: Evaluating Dynamic Topic Models.  

Authors: Charu James*, Mayank Nagda*, Nooshin Ghassemi, Marius Kloft, Sophie Fellenz.

19.04.2024: Paper Accepted at IJCAI 2024. 🎉 🎊 Title: Putting Back the Stops: Integrating Syntax with Neural Topic Models.  

Authors: Mayank Nagda, Sophie Fellenz. To attend the conference, I will be traveling Jeju Islands, South Korea in Aug 2024.

20.02.2024: Paper Accepted at LREC-Coling 2024. Title: Text Style Transfer Evaluation Using Large Language Models. 

Authors: Phil Ostheimer, Mayank Nagda, Marius Kloft, and Sophie Fellenz