Safe Box Design

I was inspired by squares, circles, octagons, and triangles when I thought about creating a product.

Front View

Top View

Side View

Back View

Front Angle

3 Dimensional

Back Angle

3 Dimensional

This easy use safe box is created specifically for those who have valuable papers, jewelery, and money. It is opened by a code of the buyers choice. As for other smaller objects; there is another door on the side accessed by a one of a kind key. The safe box also has a safety alarm that is operated by batteries. The alarm goes off after exactly 3 tries of entering the code. As for its size; the safe box is medium sized with a width and length of 12 inches, and a depth of 13.8 inches. I chose these exact dimensions because its not too big, not too small. It can be put almost anywhere without having to think if its going to fit or not. It can be placed anywhere due to its medium to small size.

I'm going to construct the safe box with a combination of mild steel and hard plates. The mild steel materials are valuable because rigid materials can often crack under exposure to ongoing force. Mild steel skins protect the safe from shock force by allowing the material to warp, not break.