Mother's Day Celebration

Santa Monica Prison

Lurigancho Prison

Fatima Prison

WhatsApp Video 2023-05-31 at 14.17.30.mp4

Celebration of Catholic Sacraments

Baptisms, First Communions, Confessions and Confirmations were celebrated at the Fatima prison.

Donations of wool to Fatima prison inmates

Charles Colson Discipleship Graduations

TPJ Courses

TPJ Facilitators Meeting

     Diagnosis of NM

The regional office conducted a series of virtual meetings with PF Dominican Republic to encourage its leaders to increase their ministry capacity and develop the 3-year strategic plan and the current year's plan.

Mentoring Plan

We thank PF Guatemala for the extraordinary support provided by Julio Caridad, executive director, to PF Argentina, to strengthen its capacity.

Through this mentorship, PF Argentina learned and implemented internal and administrative management models with technological tools to strengthen the governance of the ministry. 

Thank you Julio for your excellent work and effort.

Final report presentation

PF Argentina visited the church Ministerio Presencia in the city of Luján to promote its work, learn about the Crossroads prison ministry, and establish alliances.

Members of PF Argentina started a Public Management Program at the School of Engineering of the National University of La Plata.

 This program is a response to the concerns and challenges of those Christians with a calling and vocation for public-political management.

David Williams, an outstanding PF Bahamas board member, was spotlighted by the Adventist News for his great ministry work in the Caribbean region.

Keep up the good work, brother!

Prison Conference in Chicago

FBAC enthusiastically received the Magistrate of the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais, Dr. Caetano Levi Lopes, to strengthen the relationship between the Association of Brazilian Magistrates and FBAC, and that the APAC Method can reach more than 14 thousand judges associated to the entity. 

The magistrate visited the APAC of Itaúna and the FBAC headquarters.

TPJ Graduations

TPJ Facilitators Training

TPJ Facilitators Training

PF Suriname along with other organizations celebrated Mother's Day with female prison workers under the slogan: Moms need a break too!

The 81 participating mothers enjoyed a very joyful day, full of laughter, surprises and food.

PF Suriname participated in a sports day at the juvenile detention center.  They had the opportunity to give a lecture on "decision making and my vision of the future".

PF Suriname care unit provided advanced level training for social workers to develop a network of independent social workers from various disciplines.

Meeting with Families, Antioquia Regional Office

Mother's Day Celebration, Risaralda Regional Office 

Home Visits

Medical Brigades 

Visit of the Program Director to the Cordoba Regional Office

School Support

English Curses

Children's Day Celebration


Letter to Sponsors

Delivering Food

Vigil at the Porvenir Prison

TPJ Graduations

TPJ Courses

TPJ Graduations

TPJ Courses

TPJ Promotion

With Prison Authorities

With Local Churches

Alternatives to Violence Program

Alcanzando el Camino Halfway House 

With congratulate PF Uruguay on its new halfway house for ex-prisoners. 

We thank God for this great achievement and we will continue to pray for the fruits of this home.

STP Courses

TPJ Courses

STP Training

Delivery of Personal Hygiene Kits

Children's Day Celebration