Maxwell Plummer

I'm a second-year Ph.D. student in mathematics at Rice University, advised by Chris Leininger. Before Rice I completed a B.S. in mathematics at the University of Utah (graduated 2022). My interests are broadly in geometric topology and geometric group theory. More specifically, I like to think about free-by-cyclic groups, Out(F_n), 3-manifolds, and pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms.

My email is msp15[at]rice[dot]edu

Upcoming Conferences:

GTA: Philadelphia 2024 (May 31-June 2, 2024)

You may have seen me at...

St. Louis Topology Conference (May 2024)

Texas Geometry and Topology Conference (November 2023)

Wasatch Topology Conference (October 2023)

Groups Around 3-Manifolds at CRM (June 2023)

Redbud Topology Conference (April 2023)

BRIDGES (June 2022)

Auburn University REU  (June-July 2021)