
I created this website to put together the different threads that characterise my professional life. 

Just like those mountains,  my work has multiple facets, foundations, areas for long-term expeditions and peaks or caves for further exploration.

So, dear reader, here is an overview of what I do!

Please reach out to me if you want to talk more: mxm(dot)stauffer(at)gmail(dot)com

Values and beliefs

I perceive work as the instrument that allows me to bring about more of what I value. What are my values? My moral compass is broadly construed around consequentialism, longtermism and a set of virtues such as using reason, learning continusouly and being a principled actor whenever possible.  I find the framework of resilience useful to think about preserving our world and generating value.  I believe that political institutions, such as governments and international organizations, are essential in fostering resilience across the globe and over long time scales. 


 I work at the intersection of long-term governance, science & technology, and complexity science. Most of what I currently do is here: https://www.simoninstitute.ch/blog/ 

Past and current positions

I happily advise students and young professionals on their research or policy careers. I review academic work for publishing houses.


I hold a BA in International Relations with a specialization in political science (2014-2017).

I have spent a lot of time self-teaching programming, statistics and modelling.

I'm pursuing a part-time degree in Computational Mathematics at Johns Hopkins University.

Here is my CV.