Hi there! My name is Max Lahn (they/them). I also go by Maxie. I am a rising sixth year PhD student in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor studying higher Teichmüller* theory under Dick Canary.

I grew up in a small suburb in New York state, but I've also lived in Providence, Rhode Island, where I graduated in the Spring of 2019 with an Sc.B. in Mathematics from Brown University. I currently live in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Here is an incomplete list of things I like and/or am interested in, in no particular order:

If you need to get in touch with me for any reason, my email address is maxlahn@umich.edu. I generally try to respond to emails within 48 hours of when I receive them, but I apologize in advance if I don't live up to that promise.

* I would like to draw your attention to ever increasingly relevant historical context: in addition to his current status as the namesake of many fundamental objects in my field of study, Oswald Teichmüller was an ardent Nazi. I wholeheartedly and without reservation support ongoing efforts to rename mathematical objects and theories in ways that do not glorify genocides or their perpetrators.