
Undergrad and masters in Crete

My master thesis supervisor was Prof. Mihalis Kolountzakis. I wrote a thesis containing the entire proof of the Kadison-Singer problem

In my undergraduate and master studies I was extremely lucky to have Prof. Mihalis Kolountzakis as my master thesis supervisor and to regularly enjoy math conversations with Prof. Nikos Frantzikinakis and Prof. Themis Mitsis.


Research outside of mathematics

In 2019 I completed a project in IBM research UK (Chemistry department) under the supervision of Dr. Breanndan O Conchuir. I worked on probabilistic models of hydrophilic and hydrophobic materials. Contact me if you need any further information about this project. 

Other activities

While in Fitzwilliam College Cambridge I was participating in the Fitzwilliam College Choir. The apogee of this experience was our concert at the pantheon in Rome: