In former days project hosting sites like provided detailled (download) statistics for every project. This was helpful to me as a user for finding projects that are more popular (and therefore more "secure" and futureproof). But I think this was also important for the developers of those projects.

Does the Maven concept (and Nexus) provide detailed statistics: how much a specific artifact has been downloaded as a specific type (like jar, pom etc?). If yes, where can I find this (for example for Hibernate)?

Maven Download Statistics

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Currently, does not provide download statistics details. But you will be able to its popularity and usage statistics. See the screen shot below. For example, commons-lang3, you can only it is used by how many artifacts.

Earlier this year, we announced the availability of official repositories in the UK to improve performance for the users in Europe. Today we are making the artifact download statistics available to the projects whose artifacts are served by Central. This has been one of the most frequently requested features by project teams. Since the raw Central logs are larger than seven gigabytes every day, processing this data is no small undertaking.

These three avenues represent the majority of projects actively contributing artifacts. Nexus' security mechanism already in place on these instances provides a mapping of repository path to project which allowed us to easily roll up the counts for each team. Read more to find out how to access your project's statistics.

Current OSSRH, Apache and Codehaus users don't need to do anything to gain access to these statistics. If you have deployer permissions for your project, you should already be able to see the Central Statistics link in the Views/Repositories section in the left-hand menu area. In some cases, users with early access to the plugin have reported needing to click the web browser's Refresh button before seeing the link.

I have access to the download statistics of some projects in Maven Central. That means I can take a look how many times Apache Maven has been downloaded etc. So I wanted to know some more details based on my role as Apache Maven Chairman and PMC member. So the first thing I've done, was to download for each month an csv file back to July 2022 and the latest thing I can access, at the time of writing this, was June 2022. So in the end this means, I have numbers for a full year which means from July 2022 to June 2023.

I have two different sets of files. One set of files, which represents the download numbers for Apache Maven Core (what you usually call Maven; the thing you are calling like this: mvn ...). The other set of files contains the downloads for a larger number of Apache Maven Plugins. Those plugins are under the groupId org.apache.maven.plugins. This represents the plugins, which can be found here: Apache Maven Plugin.

In the first column is the name of the plugin, for example maven-compiler-plugin and the number of downloads in the second columns and also the relative number of downloads related to the total number of downloads within that month. So this means the maven-compiler-plugin has been downloaded 21,722,106 times (ca. 21 million) in July 2022 and the 0.11914440244436264 means in other words ca. 11.9%.

In the calling of the YearMonth you see convert(ymf.fileName()), which is exactly the method explained previously. So here we go via allFilesInDirectoryTree(rootDirectory) which reads all file and will be filtered via .filter(s -> s.getFileName().toString().startsWith("apache-maven-stats")).

In lines .map(YearMonthFile::of) the month and year will be extracted from the file name converted into the YearMonthFile record type and the line will convert that into YearMonth type, which contains all the information of a single file (year, month and all other information).

Ok, diving a bit more into the numbers. The maven-compiler-plugin has been downloaded 21,722,106 only in July 2022. That in consequence means, that in that month at least 21,722,106 builds had been run.

This adds up to ca. 1.97 billion (exactly 1,970,009,478 billion) downloads over a year. Furthermore, that shows some interesting insights. The maven-compiler-plugin is used most, which is not really astonishing, because more or less every build needs to compile code which is done by the maven-compiler-plugin.

On the other hand it's a bit weird, that the maven-clean-plugin is called very often as well. That will destroy the opportunity to reuse already built parts, which in the end requires to build everything from scratch. Reconsider the usage of maven-clean-plugin or in other words using mvn clean...? I recommend to check your own builds, if you really need to use mvn clean ..? 

What I don't understand is why people seemed to be using maven-dependency-plugin that often? Why? Analysing dependencies that often? Or copying artifacts? I'm not sure, if that is really necessary or even useful, but finally I don't know.

The number for the maven-deploy-plugin shows, that of those builds ca. 50% (compared to maven-compiler-plugin) are also deployed to a remote repository. A kind of strange is, that the number for the maven-install-plugin is ca. 60,0 million less than the number for maven-deploy-plugin? That means, that many people are using mvn install or mvn clean install or alike. Only use install life cycle, if you really need to (I have my doubts, that you really need it to do install). I bet, that in the majority of cases mvn verify is sufficient. How do I know? Based on the difference between maven-install-plugin and maven-deploy-plugin ca. 38 million times.

It is very good to see, that maven-surefire-plugin is used more or less at the same frequency as maven-compiler-plugin yes, there is a difference of ca. 10 million which I can think of using mvn -DskipTests or alike. On the other hand that means, that a great number of people are running their unit tests. The difference between maven-compiler-plugin and the maven-resources-plugin, which I'm not sure, where it's coming from? An interesting thing is the number for the maven-jar-plugin vs. maven-ejb-plugin, maven-ear-plugin and maven-war-plugin is roughly 43 million while the difference between maven-compiler-plugin and maven-jar-plugin is ca. 60 million. This means there are ca. 17 million builds using something different from jar packaging type. It's even very obvious, that the number of builds using war, ear and ejb is at a very low number (total ca. 43 million) compared to other build types, which are about 14% related to the total number. If you even compare ear and ejb to maven-compiler-plugin builds, the relation is roughly 1.4%.

One more thing, which catches my eyes. The number for maven-failsafe-plugin seemed to be very low (only ca. 15%) in comparison to the number of maven-compiler-plugin? Why? That means, not soo many people are doing integration testing or maybe not using the maven-failsafe-plugin which I have observed very often. There might be reasons not to do integration tests (taking too much time or other reasons) or sometimes people are misusing the maven-surefire-plugin with profiles or alike to do so.

The easiest way to access the activity on any given site is via the new Site Contents page. It has recently been revamped in SharePoint Online and in addition to the usual ability to add web parts and create subsites, it also got an area showing off some statistics about the usage. To access it, click Gear Icon > Site Contents, then choose Site usage link.

Based on various technologies, the zone attendance statistics system is an unlimited, easy-to-use platform that is accessible to all customers who have Internet connectivity. Guaranteed precision of the solution is over 95%, even with peak load of tens of thousands of visitors daily.

I would strongly recommend Mavenstat as a trusted partner to each business that seeks to rely on real time statistics, and would like to develop its strategy on trends based on customer behavior, and benefit from smart planning.

Maven demographics summary. Zippia estimates demographics and statistics for Maven by using a database of 30 million profiles. Our estimates are verified against BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. After extensive research and analysis, Zippia's data science team found that:

This project collects and consolidates data from several QA tools and keeps track of them overtime. This allows developers, architects and project managers alike to be presented with a trend of the QA statistics of their project.

PMD, Checkstyle, Cobertura, PMD-CPD, Simian and FindBugs have each their own XML format. This task is to extract some information from each file, typically the number of violations per file and typically to add this information to a qalab.xml file. QALab is gathering statistics info and therefore, we are not interested in the exact 'violation' or error (see checkstyle, pmd, etc for that).

Please note that the qalab.xml will keep growing and should be kept in your source repository or backed up regularly. The more info you have in it, the more valuable it becomes. As such, it is recommended to use QALab only say, once a day when the whole set of checkstyle, pmd, pmd-cpd, Findbugs and Simian statistics are generated.

The QALab team realise that some project may generate very large qalab.xml files if they have lots of classes and lots of violations. QALab was used for over 2 years on a 450,000 lines of code project without any issue. Having said that, QALab offers you the ability to define how to save the consolidated statistics; simply implement the QALabExporter interface, say to a DB? Most of the examples are shown with the XML file.

We will use the jacoco-maven-plugin and its report goal to create a code coverage report. Usually, you would want to create a specific profile that executes unit tests with the JaCoCo agent and creates a coverage report. This profile would then only be activated if coverage information is requested (e.g., in the CI pipeline). 006ab0faaa

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