About Me

Stargazer,  electronics enthusiast,  amateur programmer,  hobbyist photographer and manga lover


I was born in Torrecuso, a small town that lies among the mountains near the city of Benevento, in southern Italy. I have become very soon an amateur stargazer spending most of my childhood observing the starry night sky from the backyard and so, at the age of 8, I decided to be an astrophysicist.

Therefore, when I was 13 I enrolled at the scientific lyceum "G. Rummo" in Benevento, and during that period I became interested also in electronics and computer science. After that, I finally moved in Naples where I studied physics at the University of Naples "Federico II" until I obtained a Bachelor's and Master degrees.

Currently I'm a PhD student in astrophysics at the University of Salerno (Fisciano) and Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte (Naples) .