Holomorphic foliations and distributions :

-M. Corrêa, A. Muniz, Holomorphic foliations of degree two and arbitrary dimension, 2023.  (arXiv).

-M. Corrêa, O. Calvo-Andrade, J. Fonseca-Quispe.  Dimension two holomorphic distributions on four-dimensional projective space.  2022. (arXiv)

Holomorphic Poisson geometry and supergeometry: 

-M. Corrêa, A. M. Rodríguez, A Poincaré-Dulac type theorem for meromorphic Poisson connections, 2024 (In preparation).

-L. Centrone, M. Corrêa, On certain noncommutative geometries via sheaves of (graded) PI-algebras, 2024 (In preparation).

-M. Corrêa, A. M. Rodríguez, Localization formulas on complex supermanifolds, 2019. (arXiv).

Twistor geometry:

-A. Altavilla, M. Corrêa, On the geometry of the pushouts of twistor spaces, 2023 (In preparation).