2019-2020 Goals

My three words: Trusting Relationships Empower

Overarching Goals for the next three years.

The overarching goal for 2018-2019 is RELATIONSHIP (See Above)


Student Learning Goal:

Students will use a performance task approach to master specific 5th grade standards related to numerical expression, multiplication of proper fractions and mixed numbers, and using algebraic expressions to inform/lead problem solving efforts with a focus on constructed response.

The process approach will include the following:

  • A meaningful, scaffolded set of open-ended, standards-based problems to solve.
  • Time to explore the question on their own and with others using paper/pencil, computers, and manipulatives
  • A first draft solution
  • Self assessment using a rubric, teacher review of self assessment and commentary
  • Teacher-student edit
  • Final draft
  • Presentation via student showcase portfolio, parent-student-teacher conference, and possibly a classroom presentation too.

Reflection: The challenge with this goal was time. While the performance tasks were good, the time it took students to complete these tasks was extensive which left little time to meet all the standards I a tasked to teach. I chose to teach the standards rather than conduct all the planned performance tasks. Next year, I will continue this focus with a more focused approach on model making related to math concepts.


I believe that students did not attain expected levels of engagement or achievement in particular areas of the standards-based math curriculum because they did not have instruction that was deep, personalized, and repeated enough for successful engagement and learning. I would also like to see students do better with constructed responses.

Action Plan

To meet this goal, I will do the following:

  • Attend a DESE sponsored workshop to focus on the following (see images below) - June 2019 (completed)
  • Assess MCAS results and other data to pinpoint details related to three areas for better teaching and student learning. We'll focus on numerical expression, fraction area models, and algebraic expressions/problem solving. I will model the performance assessment tasks, in part, from multi-step MCAS problems on the 2019 spring MCAS math released items. (completed)
  • Plan the performance tasks with grade-level colleagues as part of summer work. (completed)
  • Review performance tasks with colleagues prior to teaching during our long math blocks on Friday.
  • Upon completion of each assessment, analyze student results and then revise and better the process for the next assessment. I will analyze the results as I meet with students and keep related notes. With the team, we'll forward and assess performance assessments one by one.
  • Share this effort with colleagues during the first math RTI on 9/20:
    • Agenda:
    • Review of week to come: Jaclyn and Maureen leaving at 11 on 9/26, next Friday math focus: 4 Fours
    • Review of current math focus - introductory unit based on building math vocabulary, math routines, foundation knowledge for units.
    • Math student discussion: Math Data 2019-2020 Review of students with IEP math goals (mark on data sheet)
    • Discussion related to first 10/4 performance assessment including like ability grouping, process. Why performance assessment?
      • We need a more comprehensive way to build students’ ability to bring the math full circle, successfully compose constructive responses.
      • More problem solving, use of math language.
      • More opportunity for math meetings, edits, working to improve their learning, presentation.
      • TMP scores are multiple choice--they don’t give us a good idea of students deeper knowledge.
      • Other? Pros/Cons
      • Created partners, process for first effort-numerical expression
  • Implementation of first task planned for Friday, 10/4 and Friday 10/11. Steps include sharing with teaching team during PLC, creating like-ability partner groups to complete assignment, targeting specific teacher support for some groups, analyzing effort during and after completion.
  • Review student results in a number of ways:
    • Overall performance on the task. Students will complete their rubric and the teacher will review the rubric and write comments.
    • Collegial discussions during planning meetings
  • Performance Task One Effort and Analysis
    • Teachers reported and I witnessed student interest in the task.
    • Upon review of the Task A, students overall did a great job.
    • A checklist was added to guide students' work for the second day as they focus mostly on Task B with some making corrections to a few incorrect expressions on Task A
  • Redesign task for better effect. The first task worked well, but there's room for redesign in the following ways:
    • Easier rubric to score, record, assess
    • Connect the goals to current science learning to make it more interdisciplinary
    • Provide better scaffolding with regard to the task, start with an easier entry point and build up to a more challenging end-point
    • re-look at partners for the task, discuss this with the team
    • Next task: algebraic thinking w/whole number and decimal operations and perhaps measurement too.
  • Use DESE math/science rubric to assess the tasks.


  • Student assessment checklists, rubrics, and student-teacher conferences. I will assess students' ability to work and learn successfully with the tasks with the following questions:
    • Related unit test score for each assessment for all students
    • MCAS
    • Systemwide Assessments: Symphony Benchmark, TMP
    • Student rubrics based on 18pts

Integrated standards-based: https://sites.google.com/wayland.k12.ma.us/teamfiveenvironmental/standards-based-learning

Review: The expected year ended on March 12th when we moved to remote teaching and learning. That changed everything, yet I persisted with a heavy focus on math and students overall made good progress.

Evaluation Standards

  • IA3: Rigorous Standards-Based Unit Design: Design a rubric Engage in DESE evaluation pilot (see below)
  • IA4: Well Structured Lessons: Design well structured lessons to support this process
  • IC1-2: Analysis and Conclusions: Use MCAS results to choose standards focus areas, and use good analysis and conclusions to see results of this process.
  • IB2: Adjustment to Practice: Demonstrate how using the editing process helps both educators to adjust practice to better support student learning.
  • IIA2: Student Engagement: Film student presentations/teamwork to demonstrate engagement
  • IIA3: Meeting Diverse Needs: Demonstrate the scaffolding embedded in the projects
  • IID2 - High Expectations - demonstrate how the process approach, presentation, and debate gives every child the opportunity to reach for high expectations with areas to strive for and modeling of high expectations met.
  • IIB2: Collaborative Learning Environment : peer editing, collaborative problem solving
  • IC3: Sharing Conclusions with Students: Teacher-student editing/meetings

Professional Learning Goal

To better science teaching, I will work to better my background knowledge of both the content and pedagogical practices related to science teaching on my own and with the team, and I'll use that learning to improve the content as well as process for 5th grade standards-based science teaching/learning learning experiences.

  1. Attend a Wade Institute summer week of study - July 2019
  2. Attend meetings at Drumlin Farm to evaluate year-long science effort, and plan for next years effort: June/September 2019
  3. Apply what I learn as well as analysis of last year's program including student surveys, student performance/projects and MCAS scores to a revision of our year-long, standards-based environmental science efforts with colleagues.
  4. Continue to update science websites to reflect new efforts.
  5. Reflect on the learning and application of learning throughout the process.
  6. Work with DESE and colleagues across the system to learn more, share knowledge, and update efforts. Specifically participate in the year-long DESE evaluation pilot, the Sharing for Success DESE dissemination fair, and Jay Moody's latest new schools' share:
    1. Web page: http://blogs.wgbh.org/innovation-hub/2019/9/13/reinventing-schools-era-innovation/
    2. Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/reinventing-schools-for-an-era-of-innovation/id517249700?i=1000449616003
  7. Read up on the Climate Change March, shared knowledge with students in preparation for the school wide Climate March on 9/20/19.
  8. STEAM projects include a second iteration.
  9. Revisit standards document (see website) as we review and revise lessons to bring the learning full circle with good effort to match the standards.
  10. Worked with Jaclyn to add a standards-based task for watershed and water-cycle standards teaching/model making.

DESE Pilot:

  • create notebooks
  • attend online ZOOM meetings, real-time meetings

Share Successful Practice

  • Attend online webinar 10/16
  • DESE Event 11/8

Develop Project

  • September Meeting at Drumlin Farm
  • Collegial work to update and provide lessons, website, learning experiences.
  • Wen Stephenson visit


The more that teachers understand science concepts and process as well as the way students learn and what is best learned for a successful future in the modern world, the better they will be able to teach science in meaningful, engaging, and successful ways.


  • We will again assess student learning via student surveys, student performance/projects, MCAS scores, and our work as part of the DESE evaluation pilot.


  • IA1: Subject Matter Knowledge: Demonstrate via website revision and additions new knowledge
  • IID3 - Access to knowledge - create a website to support students' standards-based environmental exploration and learning.
  • IA3: Rigorous Standards-Based Unit Design: Update science units based on new knowledge

Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment:

To further develop student showcase portfolio efforts by incorporating more regular and meaningful student reflection, goal setting, and action plan (learning path) efforts. To restructure student-teacher-parent conferences so that students present their work and goals at both the fall and winter conference. Also implementing revised science, tech, and engineering learning experiences.

IA2: Child and Adolescent Development: Working with Wayland Cares related to Title IX

IIB2: Collaborative Learning Environment: Student service meetings and professional collaboration with special education: Building a more effective model of special education-regular education collaboration to serve students well.

Teaching All Students:

Setting the stage at the start of the year for a warm, welcoming teaching/learning community.

IIB1 - Safe Learning Environment: Review of handbook with student self-assessment of what they do well and what they can do better.

IIB3: Student motivation: Working with students to identify student routines and protocols.

IIC1: Respects Differences: Beginning with the Three Word Project to foster understanding/knowledge of one another and building this respect throughout the year in a variety of ways to be named.

IIC2 - Maintains Respectful Environment - Early year focus on SEL categories to build awareness, foster related learning, support.

IIB1 - Safe Learning Environment: - Creation of protocols, policies list with students. as a class constitution.

IID3 - Access to knowledge - update academic/SEL websites throughout the year to provide students, colleagues, and family members with a ready reference (virtual classroom) for all classroom efforts.

Family/Community Engagement

IIIA1: Family curriculum night, curriculum presentation, and website that invites regular family participation in the class/school community. Update and include on website.

IIIB1-2 - Learning Expectations and Curriculum Support - explicitly relayed via websites including homework list, copies of homework assignments online, learning objectives, supports, and summaries.

IIIC1: Two-way Communication - invitation for regular family share of ideas, questions, and thoughts with ready educator response. Finding the best ways to communicate with every family such as using translators, finding comfortable places/times to meet/talk, and sensitivity to families' languages, culture, and values. Build our student-led student-educator-family member showcase portfolio/conference effort.

Professional Culture

IVA1 - Reflective Practice - continued reading, research, and blogging

IVA2 - Goal Setting - updating this list with specific actions, efforts.

IVB1 - Professional Learning and Growth - Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain Book Group, Summer Study: Graspable Math, Performance Assessments, Environmental Education interdisciplinary partnership with Drumlin Farm, Wade Institute Science Course and follow-up learning design.

IVC1 - Professional Collaboration - continued collaboration with grade-level colleagues and others to develop the program in ways that improve our collective efforts to teach well. Broadening our efforts to work with the entire team of educators and others who serve students in fifth grade.

IVD1 - Decision making - spending a full day in the summer to assess, revise, and enrich the curriculum map for the year ahead.

IVE1 - Shared Responsibility - look for ways to work with colleagues to support students with regard to school-wide behavior and learning expectations. (K-5 buddy program)

IVF1 - Judgement - respectful and thoughtful efforts during family-student-collegial work especially related to tough-to-teach students.

IVF2 - Reliability and Responsibility - Focusing on main priorities of being there, teaching well, and fulfilling the main responsibilities of the job.

2019-2020 Professional Reading