Our Goals

Goals of the Foundation 

"Association for the support of mothers with children which were forced to leave Ukraine"


Registration number: 1628525306

§ 1. Name, location, range of operation.

The association is not a subsidiary nor is it a filial in accordance with §1 paragraph 4. laws of incorporation. 

The association conducts all activities on the territory of Austria. Apart from that, humanitarian aid deliveries can be conducted to and on the territory of Ukraine. 

§2. Goals

To reach the aforementioned goals, the Association provides:

a) Material aid to families in need from Ukraine through the collection of crucial children's everyday things. 

b) Psychological aid to those who need it as to "not be left alone in a difficult situation". 

c) Information aid 

d) integration aid

§3. The means of reaching the aforementioned goals of the Association

a) Organization of the center of mother and child in Vienna, in which mothers with children which are in dire need of help can receive help, meet eachother and volunteers from Austria to support one another and receive humanitarian aid. 

b) The organization of a children's playground in the center of Mother and Child under the condition that all parents bear the responsibility for their own children. 

c) The distribution of items of help which are essential for mothers with kids in the center as well as transport/delivery of such items throughout the city of Vienna. 

d) The collection of humanitarian aid (including second hand items, items suited for children)

e) The collection of donated goods for children (such as diapers, hygiene materials, domestic goods etc.) and the upkeep of the center itself. 

f) Consultation through the means of gathering information which can be useful for temporary immigrants with children, and the spreading of the information through social media and the center itself. 

g) Cooperation with other organizations which offer help to the temporary residents of Austria. 

h) Work with the community, spreading of information through the mass media, events and web sites. 

j) Organization and participation in children's festivals, seminars, tours, trips and clubs. 

k) Cooperation with international exchanges

l) Help and escorting to government institutions, doctors, education and the search for jobs.

m) Assistance with transportation for scholarly foundations in need in Ukraine. 

a) donations from members of the foundation

b) grants and subsidies 

c) donations, sponsorships, inheritance and other. 

d) income from events  and services in accordance with the goals of the association.

      ZVR Zahl 1628525306