A full version of my curriculum vitae can be downloaded at the following link.

Education and Training

University of California, Berkeley, USA

Postdoc in Cognitive Neuroscience (2021–present)

Supervisor: Mark D'Esposito

University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Ph.D. in Psychology (2016–2020)

Postdoc in Cognitive Neuroscience (2020–2021)

Supervisor: Gijs Plomp

University of Houston, USA

Visiting Student Researcher in Biomedical Imaging (2014–2015)

Supervisor: George Zouridakis

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering (2013–2015)

Supervisor: Laura Astolfi

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

B.Sc. in Clinical Engineering (2009–2012)

Supervisor: Massimo Corcione

Prizes, awards, fellowships

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Postdoc.Mobility fellowship (2023–2024)

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Early Postdoc.Mobility fellowship (2021–2023)

Lemanic Neuroscience Doctoral School (LNDS), Travel grant (2019)

Ad-hoc reviewer for

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine


IEEE Access

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
