
Peer-reviewed journals

In revision / Submitted

29. Joetzjer E., Maignan F., Chave J., Goll D., Poulter B., Barichivich J., Maréchaux I., Luyssaert S., Guimberteau M., Naudts K., Bonal D. and Ciais P. (in rev.): The importance of tree demography and root water uptake for modelling the carbon and water cycles of Amazonia, Biogeosciences Discuss., doi: 10.5194/bg-2018-308, in review, 2018.

Published / Accepted


28. Leibovici D. G., Quegan S., Comyn-Platt E., Hayman G., Val Martin M., Guimberteau M., Druel A., Zhu D., and Ciais P. (2020): Spatio-temporal variations and uncertainty in land surface modelling for high latitudes: univariate response analysis, Biogeosciences, doi: 10.5194/bg-17-1821-2020.

27. Zhou F., Bo Y., Ciais P., Dumas P., Tang Q., Wang X., Liu J., Zheng C., Polcher J., Yin Z., Guimberteau M., Peng S., Ottlé C., Zhao X., Zhao J., Tan Q., Chen L., Shen H., Yang H., Piao S., Wang H. and Wada Y. (2020): Deceleration of China’s human water use and its key drivers, PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1909902117

26. Yin Z., Wang X.H., Ottlé C., Zhou F., Guimberteau M., Polcher J., Peng S.S., Piao S.L., Li L., Bo Y., Chen X.L., Zhou X.D., Kim H. and Ciais P. (2020): Improvement of the irrigation scheme in the ORCHIDEE land surface model and impacts of irrigation on regional water budgets over China, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., doi: 10.1029/2019MS001770

25. Bowring S. P. K., Lauerwald R., Guenet B., Zhu D., Guimberteau M., Regnier P., Tootchi A., Ducharne A. and Ciais P. (2020): ORCHIDEE MICT-LEAK (r5459), a global model for the production, transport and transformation of dissolved organic carbon from Arctic permafrost regions - Part 2: Model evaluation over the Lena River basin, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 507-520, doi: 10.5194/gmd-13-507-2020


24. Bowring S. P. K., Lauerwald R., Guenet B., Zhu D., Guimberteau M., Tootchi A., Ducharne A. and Ciais C. (2019): ORCHIDEE MICT-LEAK (r5459), a global model for the production, transport, and transformation of dissolved organic carbon from Arctic permafrost regions – Part 1: Rationale, model description, and simulation protocol, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 3503–3521, doi: 10.5194/gmd-12-3503-2019


23. Rammig A., Heinke J., Hofhansl F., Verbeeck H., Baker T., Christoffersen B., Ciais P., De Deurwaerder H., Fleischer K., Galbraith D., Guimberteau M., Huth A., Johnson M., Kruijt B., Langerwisch F., Meir P., Papastefanou P., Sampaio G., Thonicke K., von Randow C., Zang C. and Rödig E. (2018): A generic pixel-to-point comparison for simulated large-scale ecosystem properties and ground-based observations: an example from the Amazon region, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 5203-5215, doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-5203-2018

22. Xi Y., Peng S., Ciais P., Guimberteau M., Li Y., Piao S., Wang X., Polcher J., Yu J., Zhang X., Zhou F., Bo Y., Ottlé C. and Yin Z. (2018): Contributions of climate change, CO2, land-use change, and human activities to changes in river flow across 10 Chinese basins, J. Hydrometeor., 19, 1899–1914, doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-18-0005.1

21. Yin Z., Ottlé C., Ciais P., Guimberteau M., Wang X., Zhu D., Maignan F., Peng S., Piao S., Polcher J., Zhou F., Kim H. and other China-Trend-Stream project members (2018): Evaluation of ORCHIDEE-MICT-simulated soil moisture over China and impacts of different atmospheric forcing data, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 5463-5484, doi: 10.5194/hess-22-5463-2018

20. Wu Y., Bo Y., Zhou F., Tang Q., Guimberteau M., Ciais P., Yang T., Peng S., Piao S., Zheng J., Zheng J., Dong Y., and Dai C. (2018): Quantifying the unauthorized lake water withdrawals and their impacts on the water budget of eutrophic Lake Dianchi, China, J. Hydrol., 565, 39-48, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.08.017

19. Huang Y., Zhu D., Ciais P., Guenet B., Huang Y., Goll D., Guimberteau M., Jornet-Puig A., Lu X. and Luo Y. (2018): Matrix-based sensitivity assessment of soil organic carbon storage: A case study from the ORCHIDEE-MICT model, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 10, 1790-1808, doi: 10.1029/2017MS001237

18. Guimberteau M., Zhu D., Maignan F., Huang Y., Yue C., Dantec-Nédélec S., Ottlé C., Jornet-Puig A., Bastos A., Laurent P., Goll D., Bowring S., Chang J., Guenet B., Tifafi M., Peng S., Krinner G., Ducharne D., Wang F., Wang T., Wang X., Wang Y., Yin Z., Lauerwald R., Joetzjer E., Qiu C., Kim H., and Ciais P. (2018): ORCHIDEE-MICT (v8.4.1), a land surface model for the high latitudes: model description and validation, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 121-163, doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-121-2018


17. Lauerwald R., Regnier P., Camino-Serrano M., Guenet B., Guimberteau M., Ducharne A., Polcher J., and Ciais P. (2017): ORCHILEAK (revision 3875): a new model branch to simulate carbon transfers along the terrestrial-aquatic continuum of the Amazon basin, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3821-3859, doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-3821-2017

16. Goll D. S., Vuichard N., Maignan F., Jornet-Puig A., Sardans J., Violette A., Peng S., Sun Y., Kvakic M., Guimberteau M., Guenet B., Zaehle S., Peñuelas J., Janssens I., and Ciais P. (2017): A representation of the phosphorus cycle for ORCHIDEE (revision 4520), 10, 3745-3770, Geosci. Model Dev., doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-3745-2017

15. Zhao F., Veldkamp T., Frieler K., Schewe, J., Ostberg S., Willner S., Schauberger B., Gosling S., Müller Schmied H., Portmann F., Leng G., Huang M., Liu X., Tang Q., Hanasaki N., Biemans H., Gerten D., Satoh Y., Pokhrel Y., Stacke T., Ciais P., Ducharne A., Guimberteau M., Wada Y., Kim H. and Yamazaki D. (2017): The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models, Environ. Res. Lett., 12 (2017) 075003, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa7250

14. Sun Y., Peng S., Goll D., Ciais P., Guenet B., Guimberteau M., Hinsinger P., Janssens I., Peñuelas J., Piao S., Poulter B., Violette A., Yang X., Yin Y. and Zeng H. (2017): Diagnosing phosphorus limitations in natural terrestrial ecosystems in carbon cycle models, Earth's Future, 5, 730-749, doi: 10.1002/2016EF000472

13. Guimberteau M., Ciais P., Ducharne A., Boisier J. P., Aguiar A. P., Biemans H., De Deurwaerder H., Galbraith D., Kruijt B., Langerwisch F., Poveda G., Rammig A., Rodriguez D. A., Tejada G., Thonicke K., Von Randow C., Von Randow R. C. S., Zhang K. and Verbeeck H. (2017): Impacts of future deforestation and climate change on the hydrology of the Amazon basin: a multi-model analysis with a new set of land-cover change scenarios, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 1455-1475, doi: 10.5194/hess-21-1455-2017


12. Johnson M.O., Galbraith D., Gloor E., De Deurwaerder H., Guimberteau M., Rammig A., Thonicke K., Verbeeck H., von Randow C., Brienen R.J.W., Feldpausch T.R., Lopez Gonzalez G., Monteagudo A., Phillips O.L., Quesada C.A., Christoffersen B., Ciais P., Gilvan S., Kruijt B., Meir P., Moorcroft P., Zhang K., Alvarez E.A., Alves de Oliveira A., Amaral I., Andrade A., Aragao L.E.O.C., Araujo-Murakami A., Arets E.J.M.M., Arroyo L., Aymard G.A., Baraloto C., Barroso J., Bonal D., Boot R., Camargo J., Chave J., Cogollo A., Cornejo Valverde F., da Costa L., di Fiore A., Higuchi N., Honorio E., Killeen T.J., Laurance S.G., Laurance W.F., Licona J., Lovejoy T., Malhi Y., Marimon B., Marimon Junior B., Mendoza C., Neill D.A., Pardo G., Peña-Claros M., Pitman N.C.A., Poorter L., Prieto A., Ramirez-Angulo H., Roopsind A., Rudas A., Salomao R.P., Silveira M., Stropp J., ter Steege H., Terborgh J., Thomas R., Toledo M., Torres-Lezama A., van der Heijden G.M.F., Vasquez R., Vieira I., Vilanova E., Vos V.A. and Baker T.R. (2016): Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of aboveground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation models, Glob. Change Biol., 22, 3996-4013, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13315


11. Yang H., Piao S., Zeng Z., Ciais P., Yin Y., Friedlingstein P., Sitch S., Ahlström A., Guimberteau M., Huntingford C., Levis S., Levy P., Huang M., Li Y., Li X., Lomas M., Peylin P., Poulter B., Viovy N., Zaehle S., Zeng N., Zhao F. and Wang L. (2015): Multi-criteria evaluation of discharge simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 120, 7488-7505, doi: 10.1002/2015JD023129

10. Boisier J.P., Ciais P., Ducharne A. and Guimberteau M. (2015): Projected strengthening of Amazonian dry season by constrained climate model simulations, Nature Clim. Change, 5, 656-660, doi: 10.1038/nclimate2658


9. Guimberteau M., Ducharne A., Ciais P., Boisier J.P., Peng S., De Weirdt M. and Verbeeck H. (2014): Testing conceptual and physically based soil hydrology schemes against observations for the Amazon Basin, Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 1115-1136, doi: 10.5194/gmd-7-1115-2014

8. Getirana A., Dutra E., Guimberteau M., Kam J., Li H.-Y., Decharme B., Zhang Z., Ducharne A., Boone A., Balsamo G., Rodell M., Toure A. M., Xue Y., Peters-Lidard C., Kumar S., Arsenault K., Drapeau G., Leung L. R., Ronchail J. and Sheffield J. (2014): Water Balance in the Amazon Basin from a Land Surface Model Ensemble, J. Hydrometeorol., 15, 2586-2614, doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-14-0068.1

7. Traore A. K., Ciais P., Vuichard N., Poulter B., Viovy N., Guimberteau M., Jung M., Myneni R. and Fisher J. (2014): Evaluation of the ORCHIDEE ecosystem model over Africa against 25-years of satellite-based water and carbon measurements, 119, 1554-1575, J. Geophys. Res.-Biogeo., doi: 10.1002/2014JG002638


6. Guimberteau M., Ronchail J., Espinoza J. C., Lengaigne M., Sultan B., Polcher J., Drapeau G., Guyot J.-L., Ducharne A. and Ciais P. (2013): Future changes in precipitation and impacts on extreme streamflow over Amazonian sub-basins, Environ. Res. Lett., 8 014035, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/014035

5. Berg A., De Noblet-Ducoudré N., Sultan B., Lengaigne M. and Guimberteau M. (2013): Projections of climate change impacts on potential C4 crop productivity over tropical regions, Agric. For. Meteorol., 170 (2013) 89-102, doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.12.003

4. Sultan B., Roudier P., Quirion P., Alhassane A., Muller B., Dingkuhn M., Ciais P., Guimberteau M., Traore S. and Baron C. (2013): Assessing climate change impacts on sorghum and millet yields in the Sudanian and Sahelian savannas of West Africa, Environ. Res. Lett., 8 014040, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/014040


3. Guimberteau M., Perrier A., Laval K. and Polcher J. (2012): A comprehensive approach to analyze discrepancies between land surface models and in-situ measurements: a case study over the US and Illinois with SECHIBA forced by NLDAS, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 3973-3988, doi: 10.5194/hess-16-3973-2012

2. Guimberteau M., Drapeau G., Ronchail J., Sultan B., Polcher J., Martinez J.-M., Prigent C., Guyot J.-L., Cochonneau G., Espinoza J. C., Filizola N., Fraizy P., Lavado W., De Oliveira E., Pombosa R., Noriega L. and Vauchel P. (2012): Discharge simulation in the sub-basins of the Amazon using ORCHIDEE forced by new datasets, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 911-935, doi: 10.5194/hess-16-911-2012

1. Guimberteau M., Laval K., Perrier A. and Polcher J. (2012): Global effect of irrigation and its impact on the onset of the Indian summer monsoon, Clim. Dyn., 39:1329-1348, doi: 10.1007/s00382-011-1252-5

Book chapters


2. Espinoza J.C., Ronchail J., Guimberteau M., Guyot J-L., Lavado W. and Santini W. (2014): Eventos hidrológicos extremos en la cuenca amazónica peruana: presente y futuro, El Perú frente al cambio climático - Resultados de investigaciones franco-peruanas par Molina S.G., Vacher J.J. and Grégoire A. Conférence des Parties de la Convention cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques - COP20, IRD Editions. Chapitre III. p.47-58, ISBN:978-2-7099-1906-7


1. De Noblet-Ducoudré N., Davin E., Laval K., Guimberteau M., Friedlingstein P. and Delire C. (2011): L'usage des terres, Le climat à découvert. Outils et méthodes en recherche climatique, CNRS Editions. Chapitre VI.7. p.208-210, ISBN:978-2-271-07198-9

Conference proceedings


3. Ronchail J., Espinoza J.C., Drapeau G., Debuf O., Guimberteau M., Filizola N. and Guyot J.L. (2014): Extrêmes hydrologiques dans le bassin amazonien et leurs conséquences. Dubreuil V., De Mello-Théry, 2014 : Environnement et géomatique : approches comparées France - Brésil. Actes du colloque, Nov. 2014, Rennes-2, France, 502p., doi:10.13140/2.1.1308.6405


2. Ronchail J., Ngo-Duc T., Getirana A., Drapeau G., Guimberteau M., Espinoza J-C. and Guyot J-L. (2010): Fichiers de pluies et modélisation hydrologique: applications en Amazonie. Actes du 23ème Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie (AIC), Sept. 2010, Rennes, France, 529-534.


1. Guimberteau M., Laval K., Perrier A. and Polcher J. (2009): Streamflows simulated by ORCHIDEE over the Mississippi river basin: sensitivity to the forcing resolution and parameters. iLEAPS Newsletter Issue No.7, 20-22.

Technical report


1. Ducharne A., Ottlé C., Maignan F., Vuichard N., Ghattas J., Wang F., Peylin P., Polcher J., Guimberteau M., Maugis P., Tafasca S., Tootchi A., Verhoef A., and Mizuochi H.: The hydrol module of ORCHIDEE: scientific documentation, Online technical note, 47pp., available from, 2018.

PhD thesis and internship manuscripts


4. Guimberteau M. (2010): Modélisation de l'hydrologie continentale et influences de l'irrigation sur le cycle de l'eau. Thèse de doctorat, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2010.


3. Guimberteau M. and Crébassa A. (2007): Approche hydrologique de la gestion du bassin versant Adour-Garonne. Stage de master 2ème année, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2007.


2. Guimberteau M. (2006): Analyse et modifications proposées de la modélisation de l'irrigation dans un modèle de surface. Stage de master 2ème année, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2006.


1. Guimberteau M. (2004): Comportement du loup dans un territoire matérialisé, confronté à un public journalier. Conséquences sur la vie sociale de la meute. Stage de master 1ère année, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2004.