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Submitted for Publication / Preprints



Deep lattice points in zonotopes, lonely runners, and lonely rabbits

Matthias Beck and Matthias Schymura

International Mathematics Research Notices (2023), vol. 2024, no. 8 (2024), pp. 6553-6578, arxiv:2301.12182


On the Maximal Number of Columns of a Δ-modular Integer Matrix: Bounds and Computations

Gennadiy Averkov and Matthias Schymura

Mathematical Programming (2023), online first, arxiv:2111.06294, SharedIt link


Efficient MIP Techniques for Computing the Relaxation Complexity

Gennadiy Averkov, Christopher Hojny and Matthias Schymura

Mathematical Programming Computation, vol. 15 (2023), pp. 549-580, arxiv:2203.05224


Lifts for Voronoi cells of lattices

Matthias Schymura, Ina Seidel and Stefan Weltge

Discrete and Computational Geometry, vol. 70 (2023), pp. 845-865, arxiv:2106.04432, SharedIt link


Computational Aspects of Relaxation Complexity: Possibilities and Limitations

Gennadiy Averkov, Christopher Hojny and Matthias Schymura

Mathematical Programming, vol. 197 (2023), pp. 1173-1200, arxiv:2105.12509, SharedIt link


Computing the covering radius of a polytope with an application to lonely runners

Jana Cslovjecsek, Romanos Diogenes Malikiosis, Márton Naszódi and Matthias Schymura

Combinatorica, vol. 42 (2022), pp. 463-490, arxiv:2009.12080, SharedIt link


The covering radius and a discrete surface area for non-hollow simplices

Giulia Codenotti, Francisco Santos and Matthias Schymura

Discrete and Computational Geometry, vol. 67 (2022), pp. 65-111, arxiv:1903.02866, SharedIt link


Complexity of linear relaxations in integer programming

Gennadiy Averkov and Matthias Schymura

Mathematical Programming, vol. 194 (2022), pp. 191-227, arxiv:2003.07817


Tropical Ehrhart Theory and Tropical Volume

Georg Loho and Matthias Schymura

Research in the Mathematical Sciences, vol. 7, #30 (2020), arxiv:1908.07893, SharedIt link


Packing minima and lattice points in convex bodies

Martin Henk, Matthias Schymura and Fei Xue

Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, vol. 10, no. 1 (2021), pp. 25-48, arxiv:2005.02234


On the reverse isodiametric problem and Dvoretzky-Rogers-type volume bounds

Bernardo González Merino and Matthias Schymura

Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, vol. 114, no. 3 (2020), #136, arxiv:1804.05009, SharedIt link


On compact representations of Voronoi cells of lattices

Christoph Hunkenschröder, Gina Reuland and Matthias Schymura

Mathematical Programming, vol. 183 (2020), pp. 337-358, arxiv:1811.08532, SharedIt link


A note on discrete lattice-periodic sets with an application to Archimedean tilings

Matthias Schymura and Liping Yuan

Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, vol. 60, no. 4 (2019), pp. 749-759, arxiv:1710.02552, SharedIt link


Lonely Runner Polyhedra

Matthias Beck, Serkan Hoşten, and Matthias Schymura

Integers, vol. 19 (2019), #A29, 13 pp., arxiv:1606.01783


Der einsame Läufer

Matthias Schymura and Jörg M. Wills

Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, vol. 26, no. 1 (2018), pp. 14-17


On densities of lattice arrangements intersecting every i-dimensional affine subspace

Bernardo González Merino and Matthias Schymura

Discrete and Computational Geometry, vol. 58, no. 3 (2017), pp. 663-685, arxiv:1605.00443, SharedIt link


Tight bounds on discrete quantitative Helly numbers

Gennadiy Averkov, Bernardo González Merino, Ingo Paschke, Matthias Schymura and Stefan Weltge

Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol. 89 (2017), pp. 76-101, arxiv:1602.07839


On the covering radius of lattice zonotopes and its relation to view-obstructions and the lonely runner conjecture

Matthias Henze and Romanos Diogenes Malikiosis

Aequationes Mathematicae, vol. 91, no. 2 (2017), pp. 331-352, arxiv:1609.01939, SharedIt link


Partial-Matching RMS-Distance Under Translation: Combinatorics and Algorithms

Rinat Ben-Avraham, Matthias Henze, Rafel Jaume, Balázs Keszegh, Orit E. Raz, Micha Sharir, and Igor Tubis

Algorithmica, vol. 80, no. 8 (2018), pp. 2400-2421, arxiv:1411.7273, SharedIt link


A generalization of the discrete version of Minkowski's fundamental theorem

Bernardo González Merino and Matthias Henze

Mathematika, vol. 62, no. 3 (2016), pp. 637-652, arxiv:1412.3315


Variations of Minkowski's theorem on successive minima

Martin Henk, Matthias Henze, and María A. Hernández Cifre

Forum Mathematicum, vol. 28, no. 2 (2016), pp. 311-325, arxiv:1405.4993


Bottleneck Partial-Matching Voronoi Diagrams and Applications

Matthias Henze and Rafel Jaume

Computational Geometry, vol. 51 (2016), pp. 40-54, arxiv:1405.0900


A remark on perimeter-diameter and perimeter-circumradius inequalities under lattice constraints

Bernardo González Merino and Matthias Henze

Journal of Geometry, vol. 106, no. 1 (2015), pp. 75-83, arxiv:1310.6534


On counterexamples to a conjecture of Wills and Ehrhart polynomials whose roots have equal real parts

Matthias Henze

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 21, no. 1 (2014), #P1.28


A Blichfeldt-type inequality for centrally symmetric convex bodies

Matthias Henze

Monatshefte für Mathematik, vol. 170, no. 3-4 (2013), pp. 371-379, arxiv:1203.4075


Face numbers of centrally symmetric polytopes produced from split graphs

Ragnar Freij, Matthias Henze, Moritz W. Schmitt and Günter M. Ziegler

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 20, no. 2 (2013), #P32


Blichfeldt-type inequalities and central symmetry

Martin Henk, Matthias Henze, and Jörg M. Wills

Advances in Geometry, vol. 11, no. 4 (2011), pp. 731-744


Notes on lattice points of zonotopes and lattice-face polytopes

Christian Bey, Martin Henk, Matthias Henze, and Eva Linke

Discrete Mathematics, vol. 311 (2011), pp. 634-644, arxiv:1006.5574v2

Conference Proceedings


On the maximal number of columns of a Δ-modular matrix

Gennadiy Averkov and Matthias Schymura

IPCO 2022, Proc. 23rd Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, LNCS Volume 13265, 2022, pp. 29-42

Best Paper Award


Computational Aspects of Relaxation Complexity

Gennadiy Averkov, Christopher Hojny and Matthias Schymura

IPCO 2021, Proc. 22nd Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, LNCS Volume 12707, 2021, pp. 368-382


On compact representations of Voronoi cells of lattices

Christoph Hunkenschröder, Gina Reuland and Matthias Schymura

IPCO 2019, Proc. 20th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, LNCS Volume 11480, 2019, pp. 261-274


Minimum Partial-Matching and Hausdorff RMS-Distance Under Translation: Combinatorics and Algorithms

Rinat Ben-Avraham, Matthias Henze, Rafel Jaume, Balázs Keszegh, Orit E. Raz, Micha Sharir, and Igor Tubis

Algorithms - ESA 2014, Proc. 22nd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, Wrocław, Poland, LNCS Volume 8737, 2014, pp. 100-111, arxiv:1411.7273


Bottleneck Partial-Matching Voronoi Diagrams and Applications

Matthias Henze and Rafel Jaume

Algorithms and Computation, Proc. 25th International Symposium, ISAAC 2014, Jeonju, Korea, LNCS Volume 8889, 2014, pp. 714-725

Abstracts of the 30th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'14), Ein-Gedi, Israel, March 2014, arxiv:1405.0900


On the complexity of the partial least-squares matching Voronoi diagram

Matthias Henze, Rafel Jaume and Balázs Keszegh

Abstracts of the 29th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'13), Braunschweig, Germany, March 2013, pp. 193-196



On Theory and Algorithms in the Geometry of Numbers, and Applications in Integer Programming

Matthias Schymura

Habilitation thesis, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, 2023


Lattice Point Inequalities and Face Numbers of Polytopes in View of Central Symmetry

Matthias Henze

Dissertation, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2012


The Mahler conjecture

Matthias Henze

Diploma thesis, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2008