My movie reviews

I enjoy watching movies, thinking about them, and trying to verbalize my impressions. I do all that on Letterboxd. From time to time, you might also see me mention a movie that I particularly liked on X (formerly Twitter).

Some of my favourite movies are Forrest Gump, La La Land, Your Name. (Kimi no Na wa), and Whiplash.
Some of the movie reviews that I put a lot of thought into are for Gifted, Marriage Story, and The Bit Player.

Some music recommendations

I love music, both listening to it and (even more so) making it. I play the violin and the viola and I sing, albeit all three at best at a tolerable level. 

Here's an unstructured overview over some recordings, videos, and even a music-related podcast that I like:

Some book recommendations

Basically since I've learned how to read, I love immersing myself in books. Here's an unstructured overview over some books that I've enjoyed (or hope to enjoy soon):