Matthew Thomas Sommers

Pharmacist, Medical Writer and Editor

Born with an insatiable appetite for knowledge, Matthew Thomas Sommers embarked on his academic journey at the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy. His graduation in 2011 wasn't just an end to his student days but a heralding of his lifelong commitment to learning. As he stepped into the world of professional pharmacy, he focused on behavioral health management, believing in a holistic approach to patient care. Over more than a decade, he accrued invaluable experience, excelling in clinical and managerial pharmacy aspects.

His professional aspirations took an entrepreneurial turn when he was challenged to start a pharmacy from ground zero. Unfazed by the enormity of the task, he plunged in with tenacity and indomitable spirit. His vision and execution transformed a space into a health and wellness hub. However, Sommers didn't confine himself to just being an entrepreneur. Recognizing the value of mentorship, he also became a preceptor for pharmacy students, helping them grow professionally. His flair for writing led him to become a medical writer and editor, translating his expertise into educational content to demystify healthcare for the common individual.

Though deeply immersed in his career, he found an equally compelling calling in clinical work. With a pivot toward behavioral health, he showcased his knack for adaptability and continuous learning. His expansion into this field illustrated his ceaseless quest to diversify his understanding and practice of healthcare.

Behind the professional veneer lies a devoted family man. Sommers married Erica, his soulmate, on September 3, 2016. Together, they share the joyous responsibility of raising two beautiful daughters. For Matt, his family is a source of happiness and his emotional anchor. Despite his ambitious career, he unabashedly acknowledges that his most cherished roles are those of a husband and a father. Balancing a demanding job with family life, he stands as a testament to the richness of a well-rounded life, fulfilling his duties at work while nourishing the relationships that make life truly meaningful.