Wolfram Mathematica packages

Please e-mail me (mph(at)brandeis.edu) if you find bugs or errors in any of these programs, if you would like to suggest added features, or just to let me know that you've used them. Please also acknowledge me in any publications resulting from research that makes substantial use of any of them.

This notebook, by G. Grimaldi and myself, tests the validity of holographic entropy inequalities in 2+1 dimensional vacuum AdS spacetimes, as described in the paper "Testing holographic entropy inequalities in 2+1 dimensions" by B. Grado-White, G. Grimaldi, V. Hubeny, and myself (arXiv: 2407.07165 [hep-th]). If you would like to test some inequalities yourself, you can find a complete list of known inequalities for up to 6 parties in the package HEIallQvec.m (by S. Hernández-Cuenca).

Surprisingly, Mathematica does not contain a built-in function for testing majorization of vectors. So here it is:

Majorize[v_List]:= VectorGreaterEqual[Accumulate /@ Reverse /@ NumericalSort /@ v] /; AllTrue[v, NonNegative, 2]

Majorize::usage= "Majorize[{x,y}] yields True for vectors x,y of length n with non-negative components if x majorizes y, i.e. if for all k = 1,...,n, the sum of the largest k components of x is greater than or equal to the sum of the largest k components of y.";