Who am I?

A filmmaker, writer and photographer

Born and raised in Kent, I moved to Manchester for University to take a Filmmaking Degree at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Through my degree I have been able to write and make several short films, 'Roommates', 'D.I. Love You' (which was accepted into the FilmedUP event at HOME MCR) and my most recent 'Never Forget To Say Goodbye'. Alongside these I have been working on a longer writing project as well as drafting concepts for other short films that I would like to write. All of the scripts that I have written for university I have then taken on another major role in the production process, always as cinematographer but also an editor too. I was also involved in filming and editing several stage shows that were held in the university.

I have been doing photography more regularly since 2018 but was always taking pictures on family trips to the zoo whilst growing up. Now it is rare that I go anywhere without my camera on my back, using every opportunity to sharpen my compositional eye for when I'm behind the camera for my films.

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