Abridged Curriculum Vitae

Current position:
"Ramon y Cajal" Faculty at IFT Madrid, Spain & long-term visiting Lecturer at ICG Portsmouth, UK

Previous positions:
- "Atracción de Talento" (Modalidad I) Faculty at IFT Madrid
- Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Cosmology and Gravitation, Portsmouth, UK
- Postdoctoral fellow then promoted to Research Associate at Stanford University and the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics , CA, USA
- Postdoctoral fellow at Case Western Reserve University, OH, USA
- "Della Riccia" fellow at DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK  

- PhD in Physics, University of Milano - Bicocca, Italy. Advisors: Sabino Matarrese (University of Padova) and Claudio Destri (University of Milano - Bicocca)
- Master in Physics, The University of Chicago, IL, USA.
- Laurea in Physics, University of Salento, Italy

Grants & Awards
-- Agencia Estatal de Investigación, "Consolidación Investigadora 2022", €199,406.
--  CSIC "Proyectos Intramurales Especiales", reserved to top ranked "Ramón y Cajal" awardees, €100,000.
--  "Ramon y Cajal" General (senior) grant 2021, RYC2021-033786-I, €236,350.
--  Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2021, PID2021-124704NB-I00, €89,000.
-- “Atracción de Talento” grant 2019-T1/TIC-15784, Comunidad de Madrid program 2019, €280,546.
  This grant supports a faculty position at IFT Madrid and the hiring of a small group.
-- “Angelo Della Riccia” award 2011, won as a Ph.D student. This award is aimed at supporting research in leading foreign institutions.
   Host Institution: Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), University of Cambridge, UK, Jan. 2011 - Aug. 2011.

Professional Affiliations and Service
- Large Collaborations:
• Full Member, LISA Consortium (2018 - ) ;
• Member, EUCLID Consortium (2018 - );
• Member, Einstein Telescope (2022 - ).

- Member, Steering Committee of The European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory, EuCAPT, (2023 - );
- Chair, EuCAPT "Workshops" Taskforce (2023 - );
- Representative, on behalf of the Cosmology & Astroparticle Groups of IFT Madrid, at EuCAPT Scientific Council (2022 - );

- SOC Chair, Organizer, “The Dawn of Gravitational Wave Cosmology” Workshop, – Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, Benasque, Spain, April 28th - May 20th, 2025.
- Co-Organizer, “First EuCAPT Cosmology School 2023”, University of Valencia, – Spain, September 18 - 22, 2023.
- Co-Organizer, “COSMO 2023”, IFT UAM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain, September 11 - 15, 2023;
- Member, Master Program Committee (TFM Tribunales), June 2023 and September 2023, – IFT UAM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain.
- Steering Committee Member, “IFT Seminars”, IFT Madrid UAM-CSIC, Madrid, 2021;
- Co-Organizer, “A cosmic window into fundamental physics: Primordial non-Gaussianities and Beyond” Conference, IFT Madrid UAM-CSIC, Spain;
- Co-Organizer, Theoretical Cosmology Seminar, ICG, Portsmouth, 2017-2020;
- Organizer, Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics (SITP) Colloquia and SITP Seminars, Stanford University, 2015-2016;
- Co-Organizer, Particle and Astrophysics Seminar, CWRU, 2011-2012-2013;

- Editor, Symmetry; Subject area: physics (2020 - );
- Associate Editor, Cosmology Section, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences (2023 - );

- Referee: –Annals of Physics; Astroparticle Physics; Classical & Quantum Gravity; European Physical Journal C; International Journal of Modern Physics D; Journal of Cosmology & Astroparticle Physics; General Relativity and Gravitation; Nuclear Physics B; Physical Review Letters; Physics of the Dark Universe; Physics Letters B; The Astrophysical Journal; Universe.

- Member: American Physical Society (2017 -);

- External Grant Reviewer: 
• Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (2019);
• Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK (2019);
• Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (2020);
• Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (2021 & 2022 & 2023 & 2024).  

Teaching and Mentoring Experience
- Spring 2024
Lecturer for the “Advanced Cosmology” class of the Master Program at the IFT UAM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

- April 2023
Lecturer for the -Topical PhD Lectures 2023- “EFT of the Big Bang”, Nikhef, Netherlands.

- Since Spring 2022:
Lecturer at the “Cosmo Dives”, IFT UAM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain. The Cosmo Dives are a series of lectures, targeted at PhD students, which explore a particular subject in cosmology from several angles. These lectures serve as a mini-introduction to a field of current interest and aim at familiarising students with the most recent developments.

- November 2019:
Lecturer at the “2nd Sydney Spring School on Particle Physics and Cosmology”.

- Fall 2017 – Fall 2019:
ICG Portsmouth, UK, Lectures valid for the Ph.D program
Courses: “An introduction to inflationary physics”; “Early universe cosmology”.

- Fall 2004 – Dec 2006:
Physics Department, University of Chicago, Teaching Assistant: responsible for one-hour problem solving sessions at the blackboard, homework grading, lab reports grading, exams grading and lab assistance (about 16h per week).
Courses: Phys. 121 (General Physics Level A), twice; Phys. 131 (General Physics Level B), three times; Phys. 154 (Modern Physics); Phys. 225 (Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism); Phys. 237 (Nuclei and Elementary Particles), twice.

Postdocs Supervised:
- Dr. Lucas Pinol (IFT Madrid, 2021 - );
- Dr. Ogan Ozsoy (JdC at IFT Madrid, 2022 - );
- Dr. Alexandros Papageorgiou (IFT Madrid, 2023 - );
- Dr. Sukannya Bhattacharya (IFT Madrid, from July 2024).

Ph.D Students Supervised:
- Dr. Laura Iacconi (ICG Portsmouth, 2018 - 2022, now postdoc at QMUL);
- Martino Michelotti (University of Groningen, 2021 - );
- Cristóbal Zenteno (IFT Madrid, 2024 - ).

Undergraduate Students Supervised:
- Alberto Alvaro Diaz, bachelor thesis (TFG), (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 2022 - 2023)
- Alberto Alvaro Diaz, external training (Prácticas Externas), (IFT UAM-CSIC, 2023)

Informal Ph.D Students mentoring:
- Dr. Matteo Biagetti (2012-2016, Ph.D student at U. of Geneva, then postdoc at Amsterdam U.)
- Dr. Robert J. Hardwick (ICG Portsmouth, 2017-2019, then postdoc at Imperial College London);
- Dr. Ameek Malhotra (2020 - 2023, PhD student at UNSW Sydney, now postdoc at Swansea)
- Mattia Cielo (2021 - 2024/25 , PhD student at the University of Naples ``Federico II'', currently at IFT Madrid supported by a "Della Riccia" grant);

External PhD examiner
• Dr. Lucia Fonseca de la Bella (2018), University of Sussex, UK;
• Dr. Cari Powell (2020), Swansea University, UK;
• Dr. Hyungjin Kim (2021), University of Waterloo, ON, Canada;
• Dr. Sarah Libanore (2022), University of Padova, Italy.

Long-Term Visits
- KITP, Santa Barbara, USA: January-February 2020.
- Johns Hopkins University, USA: November 2019, January 2015, July 2014, March 2014.
- CERN, Switzerland: June 2019.
- Perimeter Institute, Canada: August 2017 – October 2017.
- Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Mainz, Germany: March 2017
- Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence, Italy: April – May 2016
- IPMU, Japan: May 2015
- Perimeter Institute, Canada: May 2014.
- University of Padova, Italy: December 2012 – January 2013

Please contact me for a full cv!