(with Sergio Mayordomo and Daniel Paravisini)

Winner of the Arthur Warga Award for Best Paper in Fixed Income at SFS Cavalcade,  Zoom May 2021

Updated: July 2023.

(with Marianna Kudlyak and John Mondragon)

A short summary in this FRBSF Economic Letter

Updated: December 2023. Submitted.

(with Simone Emiliozzi, Elisa Guglielminetti, Michele Loberto and Alessandro Mistretta)

Updated: January 2024. Submitted.

(with Giovanni Compiani and Adair Morse)

Updated: May 2023

(with Greg Buchak and Claudia Robles-Garcia)

Updated: July 2022.


(with Alessandro Gavazza and Paolo Surico) 

Revision requested at American Economic Review.


(with Giovanni Compiani)

Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Vol. 14, Issue 2 (June 2024), pp. 197--236. Editor's Choice.

(with Yu An and Yang Song)

Dimensional Fund Advisors Best Paper Award (runner-up), UT Austin AIM Investment Conference, April 2022

Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 149, Issue 3 (September 2023), pp. 407--433. Editor's Choice.

Replication Package.

(with Philippe Bracke, Joao Cocco and Nic Garbarino)

Review of Financial Studies, Vol.35, No. 8 (August, 2022), pp. 3525--3573. Lead Article.

Online Appendix, Replication Package.

Journal of Finance, Vol. 76, No. 6 (December, 2021), pp. 2997--3053.

Winner of the CEPR Household Finance Best Student Paper Award,  Copenhagen April 2017

Winner of the EARIE Paul Geroski Prize for the most significant policy contribution, Maastricht September 2017

Presentation video at the Utah Winter Finance Conference

Online Appendix, Replication Package.

(with Davide Fantino)

Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 142, No. 1 (October, 2021), pp. 404--429.

A previous version appeared as Bank of Italy Working Paper No. 1187.

(with Peter Eckley, Nic Garbarino, Liam Kirwin and Georgia Latsi)

Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 48 (October, 2021), pp. 100883.

(with Andrea Beltratti and Alessandro Gavazza)  

Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 82 (September, 2017), pp. 165-179.