MMU TESOL Symposium - Session 09 Hyun-Bin Hwang and Matt Coss - HD

towards improved pedagogical implications for a better research-practice dialogue

This is a talk that Hyun-Bin Hwang and I gave at the Manchester Metropolitan University event "Transcending Boundaries: Fostering an Open Research-Teaching Dialogue in English Language Teaching (ELT)". In this talk, we share results from our systematic evaluation of pedagogical implications in applied linguistics research articles and, importantly, takeaways for researchers, reviewers, and editors to improve pedagogical implications.

The Use of Standardized Tests in George Washington University

[Chinese] In this invited talk for the Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA) Second Language Research Special Interest Group, I share the many ways my team at George Washington University had been experimenting with different language proficiency tests and some reflections on our experience.

a mindset for success for learning chinese (full)

This recording of a talk for a Chinese 102 class emphasizes the importance of the right mindset for approaching language learning. Since its publication, many teachers have used it as a motivation tool during the first few weeks of a new semester or school year.

novice level language, not novice level brains (podcast interview)

In this interview for the Language Lounge podcast, I talked with Michelle Olah about a topic and workshop I regularly give focused on planning language class content that is appropriate both for the language proficiency level and the age and interests of learners.