seo agency china

Baidu SEO – Answers to 5 Frequently Asked Questions

If you are new to marketing in China and our blog, you may ask yourself “What is Baidu and how does it work”? The basic information we have already explained in this Baidu article. To extend this Baidu guide, we answer the 5 most commonly asked questions around this Chinese search engine.

Does Baidu have a social community?

According to the Baidu China search engine, seo agency china , similar to Facebook groups, is the largest communication platform with 300 million monthly active users. This platform is a mix between Quora and Reddit and mesmerizes internet users with its content-oriented and highly interactive appearance.

How do I Create a Baidu Account?

Yes. Before you can do anything with Baidu SEO, you must create an account. With this, you can use the various Baidu platforms and the Baidu Webmaster Tool. Click here and fill out the Baidu account registration form. Keep in mind that you need a Chinese phone number to do so. Check our blog in the future for a more detailed Baidu register tutorial.

How do I Index Pages on Baidu?

Although Baidu regularly crawls websites to keep their search engine users up-to-date, it can take 1-2 months until your site and updates are indexed. If you want to add your website faster to the Baidu Index (Ziyuan), you can submit your URL here. Submit your sitemap so that all sites are indexed (same process as Google).

Can I Use SEA/PPC on Baidu?

PPC advertising in China provides fast online promotion with instant results, just like in the rest of the online world. Of course, you can buy advertisements on the results pages (Baidu PPC aka pay-per-click) through the Baidu Ads Manager. If you’d rather outsource this task, a Baidu SEO agency can help you with this.

Keep in mind that the online environment in China including search engines is closely regulated. For example, blacklisted terms include “best, no. 1, top class, guarantee, trustworthy”. And particularly highly regulated industries are the health sector, finance, and gambling (which is completely forbidden).

Does Baidu have an Analytics Tool?

Baidu Tongji is the official analytics tool of Baidu, similar to Google Analytics. It provides statistics and reports about a website’s traffic and sources, as well as conversions to sales.

With the Baidu Webmaster Tool, you can index your site and have access to even more options for SEO settings and analysis. You will find a Baidu tracking tool to monitor your website’s ranking on Baidu and much more.

We hope to have answered your burning questions around the top Chinese search engine and it’s Baidu SEO tools. If you want to know more, feel free to call, WhatsApp or email us anytime.