Matroids Day

University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 6, 2019

Matroids Day is a one day meeting focused on the study of matroids from various viewpoints. This event is part of the Matroids seminar at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Location: All talks except the last one are in room B313 in Van Vleck Hall. The last talk is in B235 Van Vleck Hall.

We hope to have snacks throughout the day. We aim to depart Van Vleck at 6:30pm to walk to a restaurant for dinner.

Schedule: This event will take place on Friday December 6, 2019. Here is the schedule.

9:00-9:30 Galen Dorpalen-Barry Whitney Numbers for Poset Cones.

9:30-10:00 Connor Simpson Simplicial generators for Chow rings of matroids.

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-10:55 Max Kutler The motivic zeta function of a matroid.

10:55-11:35 Jeremy Usatine Hyperplane arrangements and compactifying the Milnor fiber.

11:35-12:45 Lunch

12:45-1:25 Daniel Bernstein Algebraic matroids in rigidity theory and matrix completion.

1:25-2:05 Justin Chen Matroids in Macaulay2.

2:05-2:25 Break

2:25-3:25 (Room B235 Van Vleck Hall) Cynthia Vinzant Log-concave polynomials, matroids, and expanders.

Questions? Contact the organizers:

Daniel Corey (

Jose Israel Rodriguez (