April 2-3, 2024

Workshop on
Matroid-Constrained Optimization Problems

at Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris

Welcome to the Workshop on Matroid-Constrained Optimization Problems taking place on April 2-3 at the Institut Henri Poincaré in the amazing city of Paris. The goal of the event is to  bring together a small group of people working on matroid-related optimization problems for two half days at a great location in the middle of Paris.

Organizers: Kristóf Bérczi (Eötvös Loránd University), Chien-Chung Huang (École Normale Supérieure), Nicole Megow (Universität Bremen)

If you have any questions, please write to matroidoptimization[at]gmail.com.

If you are interested, please register here:

Keynote Speakers

RWTH Aachen

ETH Zurich


London School of Economics

Université Libre de Bruxelles

Eötvös Loránd University


TU Berlin

University of Bonn

FU Berlin

Sauder School of Business

Maastricht University

London School of Economics

Queen Mary University of London

List of participants

Ahmad Abdi

Morteza Alimi

Etienne Bamas

Kristóf Bérczi

Christoph Dürr

Katharina Eickhoff

Samuel Fiorini

Jerome Galtier

Fatemeh Ghasemi

Roland Grappe

Svenja M. Griesbach

Harald Gropp

Christoph Hertrich

Felix Hommelsheim

Florian Hörsch

Chien-Chung Huang

András Imolay

Tamás Király

Max Klimm

Stefan Kober

Laura Vargas Koch

Ariel Kulik

Emiliano Lancini

Zhenwei Liu

Georg Loho

Atrayee Majumder

Jannik Matuschke

Thomas McCormick

Anthony Meunier

Nicole Megow

Evangelos Nastas

Britta Peis

Rakhi Pratihar

Lars Rohwedder

Tamás Schwarcz

Gautier Stauffer

László Végh

Justin Ward

Rico Zenklusen


Institut Henri Poincaré

Amphithéâtre Gaston Darboux
Building Borel - Ground floor

11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie

75231 Paris Cedex 05

The IHP is a mathematics research institute part of Sorbonne University, also affiliated with the Centre National de la Reserche Scientifique (CNRS). The institute is located in the heart of Paris, close to the Panthéon and the Jardin du Luxembourg.

The room Gaston Darboux can be found at the ground floor of building Borel.

Let us know if you'll be attending!