You can package MATLAB files to create a toolbox to share with others. These files can include MATLAB code, data, apps, examples, and documentation. When you create a toolbox, MATLAB generates a single installation file (.mltbx) that enables you or others to install your toolbox.

In the Package a Toolbox dialog box, click the button and select your toolbox folder. It is good practice to create the toolbox package from the folder level above your toolbox folder. The .mltbx toolbox file contains information about the path settings for your toolbox files and folders. By default, any of the included folders and files that are on your path when you create the toolbox appear on their paths after the end users install the toolbox.

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List of the folders and files contained in your toolbox. The listed files and folders are only those files that are located in the top level of the toolbox folder. You cannot navigate through the folders in the Toolbox Packaging dialog box.

By default, if your toolbox contains a P-code file and a MATLAB code file (.m) with the same name in the same folder, MATLAB excludes the .m file from the toolbox. To include both the .p and .m files, clear the Exclude MATLAB script or function files with matching P-files option.

To exclude other files or folders from the toolbox, register them in the text file that is displayed when you click Exclude files and folders. It is good practice to exclude any source control files related to your toolbox.

If MATLAB is unable to find the installation information for an add-on in the list, you must enter a download URL. The download URL is the location where MATLAB can download and install the add-on. When the toolbox is installed, MATLAB installs the add-on using the specified URL.

When the user installs a toolbox, MATLAB installs all additional software in the addons\Toolboxes\AdditionalSoftware folder, where addons is the add-ons default installation folder. For more information about the location of the add-ons default installation folder, see Get and Manage Add-Ons.

If your toolbox contains code that refers to the installation folder of the specified additional software, make these references portable to other computers. Replace the references with calls to the generated function toolboxname\getInstallationLocation.mlx, where toolboxname is the name of your toolbox. For example, if you are creating a toolbox called mytoolbox and want to reference the install location for additional software called mysoftware, replace this codemysoftwarelocation = 'C:\InstalledSoftware\mysoftware\'with this code:mysoftwarelocation = mytoolbox.getInstallationLocation('mysoftware')To enable testing of the toolbox on your computer before packaging the toolbox, click the toolboxname\getInstallationLocation.mlx link at the bottom of the Installation of Additional Software section and enter the installed location of each additional piece of software on your computer.

MATLAB uses the information in the Toolbox Portability section when the user installs the toolbox. If the compatibility check fails because the user has an unsupported platform or MATLAB version, MATLAB displays a warning. However, the user still can install the toolbox.

To create different categories for your examples, place the examples in different subfolders within your toolbox folder. When you add your toolbox folder to the Package a Toolbox dialog box, MATLAB creates a demos.xml file to describe your examples, and takes the example subfolder name as the example category name. Alternatively, you can create your own demos.xml file. The demos.xml file allows recipients to access your examples through the Supplemental Software link at the bottom of the Help browser home page. For more information, see Display Custom Examples.

To save your toolbox and share it on MATLAB Central File Exchange, select Package and Share from the Package menu at the top of the Package a Toolbox dialog box. This option generates a .mltbx file in your current MATLAB folder and opens a web page for your toolbox submission to File Exchange. MATLAB populates the File Exchange submission form with information about the toolbox. Review and submit the form to share your toolbox on File Exchange.

When you create a toolbox, MATLAB generates a .prj file that contains information about the toolbox and saves it frequently. It is good practice to save this associated .prj file so that you can quickly create future revisions of your toolbox.

To share your toolbox with others, give them the .mltbx file. All files you added when you packaged the toolbox are included in the .mltbx file. When the end users install your toolbox, they do not need to be concerned with the MATLAB path or other installation details. The .mltbx file manages these details for end users.

While .mltbx files can contain any files you specify, MATLAB Central File Exchange places additional limitations on submissions. If your toolbox contains any of the following, it cannot be submitted to File Exchange:

publish | matlab.addons.toolbox.packageToolbox | matlab.addons.toolbox.toolboxVersion | matlab.addons.toolbox.installToolbox | matlab.addons.toolbox.uninstallToolbox | matlab.addons.toolbox.installedToolboxes

If you are licensed to use to these toolboxes but have not logged in to ThingSpeak using your MathWorks Account, log out and log in again using your MathWorks Account credentials. If you try to use these toolbox functions without logging in this way, you see an error message. You also see an error message if you try to use functions that belong to other toolboxes.

Wavelet Toolbox provides apps and functions for the time-frequency analysis of signals and multiscale analysis of images. You can denoise and compress data, and detect anomalies, change-points, and transients. The toolbox enables data-centric artificial intelligence (AI) workflows by providing time-frequency transforms and automated feature extraction, including scattering transforms, continuous wavelet transforms (scalograms), Wigner-Ville distribution, and empirical mode decomposition. You can extract edges and oriented features from images using wavelet, wavelet packet, and shearlet transforms.

You can accelerate your algorithms by running them on multicore processors and GPUs. Many toolbox functions support C/C++ code generation for desktop prototyping and embedded vision system deployment.

Hello, Thank you for viewing my post. I met a problem when first time use the Spectre/RF Matlab toolbox.


I use MMSIM6.2 and Matlab2010b(32bit), run on 32bit Linux. Where&How should I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and MATLABPATH?

I try to set them in ~/.cshrc file. The codes are appended to the existing .cshrc file as following: 

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH `cds_root spectre`/tools/dfII/lib:`cds_root spectre`/tools/lib/

setenv MATLABPATH `cds_root spectre`/tools/spectre/matlab

Then I lauch matlab from home directory and type "getenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in matlab window to check the path. It looks ok.

The spectre paths are appended to matlab's own paths. Then I tried the matlab code:

I'd also suggest that you try running matlab standalone and then calling cds_srr() interactively, and ensuring that works, before you start trying to use it in an ADE XL measurement. Did you set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH like I (and Tawna) suggested earlier?

The above requires that the handle to the toolbox function be created before you define your function. If you want to access the toolbox function after your function has been defined, you can do it as follows:

pyRSKtools is the official Python port of the MATLAB-based RSKtools toolbox. It provides the same functionality for users to access, process, visualize, and export data given in the RSK format from RBR loggers. The latest version (v1.1.1) is now available! The release notes are available here for your reference.

k-Wave is an open source acoustics toolbox for MATLAB and C++ developed by Bradley Treeby and Ben Cox (University College London) and Jiri Jaros (Brno University of Technology). The software is designed for time domain acoustic and ultrasound simulations in complex and tissue-realistic media. The simulation functions are based on the k-space pseudospectral method and are both fast and easy to use. The toolbox includes:

This tutorial describes the fitting of NODDI data using Matlab. The tutorial includes the link to the NODDI matlab toolbox, an example NODDI data set, and a step-by-step instruction on how to use the toolbox to analyze the example data set.

We are determined to change the situation by developing high-performance numerical libraries for computations with arbitrary precision, tuned for modern CPU architectures, multi-core parallelism and relying on recent state-of-the-art algorithms. All combined makes our toolbox order(s) of magnitude faster compared to famous competitors:

In some cases, the speed of quadruple precision computations in toolbox is comparable (or even higher) to double precision routines of MATLAB. Eigendecomposition of banded matrices is one of the examples.

The part of the entire product which I find the most impressive is the customer support. Pavel Holoborodko is very prompt, efficient and professional. He constantly seeks to expand the multiprecision capability of Advanpix to different MATLAB functions and toolboxes. As an example, on my request, he quickly developed the multiprecision versions of some specialized functions in the control toolbox. As we are based on different continents, his responses and solutions usually arrive overnight, if not sooner. This all the more impressive given that the company seems to have limited human resources.

The implementation of numerical algorithms in the toolbox is stable and highly reliable. Therefore, it is available for professional use such as verification of computed results by our developed methods, numerical results in scientific paper and so forth. 17dc91bb1f

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