I'm a Sociologist (PhD, M.A. & B.A.) and Psychologist (B.A.) who specializes in digital inequalities, public policy, social stratification, cyber-safety and cyber-crime. 

I'm based at Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU),  where I'm an Associate Professor and Director of the Winter School in Methods and Data Analysis at the Department of Social Sciences

I coordinate the World Internet Project, DiSTO Project, and Kids Online's Uruguayan Chapters, at Universidad Católica del Uruguay. I also work as an independent consultant for international and national organizations. As a consultor for the National E-government and Information Society Agency (AGESIC) of the Uruguayan government Presidency I developed official ICT surveys (EUTIC: 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019) in collaboration with the National Statistical Office. Since finishing my PhD at the University of Haifa (Israel) I've been studying the role digital inequalities in cyber-safety and cyber-victimization. 

Contact info

​Departamento de Ciencias Sociales / Social Sciences Department

Universidad Católica del Uruguay

Av. 8 de Octubre 2738 - CP.11600 - Montevideo - Uruguay

(+598) 2 4872717 - ext. 6024

ORCID: 0000-0002-1724-9609

Twitter: @MatiDodel