About Writing

What kind of a writer are you?

If you have writing to do, it is helpful to know your own writing habits

Here is a website you can identify what kind of writer you are (try it, it's fun, there are shapes too): http://writersdiet.com/base.php

Note: you may (wrongly) think that these writer types are for people who write novels, but no, a writer is a writer. Even if you are writing math! It is true.

What is a movement break?

A movement break is a short pause during a period of activity, especially sedentary work or study, where an individual engages in physical movement. The benefits of movement breaks are multifaceted. Physically, they help reduce muscle stiffness, improve circulation, and can even help with posture. Mentally, they provide a respite from cognitive tasks, which can help reset focus and concentration, reduce stress, and boost creativity and productivity.

The general consensus in cognitive science suggests that any form of break that involves physical activity (e.g. stretching) can aid in divergent thinking---a key component of creativity. Stretching, by momentarily shifting your physical and mental state, might help in overcoming mental blocks and fostering creative solutions.

We integrated stretching into one of our long breaks to boost creativity and problem-solving during the Writing Café!

Common myths about writing mathematics

Here is a short list of such common myths (generated by ChatGPT):