Special issue

International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching (IJSSC)

International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching (IJSSC) will have a Special Issue or Special Section dedicated to MathSport International 2023. The usual IJSSC submission and review processes will be followed.

Conference papers from MathSport International 2023 will be considered only if they have been completely re-written after expanding the conference papers by around 40%-50%.

If the original conference paper on which the extended paper is based has been published elsewhere (such as on the MathSport website), or its copyright has been assigned to the conference organisers or another party, authors should provide copyright clearance in writing.

Some speakers can be asked to review the papers submitted to this special issue.

IJSSC has an open peer review policy, meaning that both authors and referees know each other's identity. The names of the reviewers will also appear in the articles published, but the reviews remain confidential.