Teaching and more

Online course Myanmar 2021

Certification course for Myanmar Language Studies: “Language and society in Myanmar and beyond”

July 26 to August 20, 2021

Organized by the Myanmarsar Board, Ministry of Education, National Unity Government of Myanmar (recordings of the lectures: https://www.facebook.com/watch/109386154653912/896595460936604)

Courses taught at the University of Zurich (since 2001)

General Linguistics Courses

  • Introduction to General Linguistics

  • Introduction to Comparative Linguistics

  • Academic writing in linguistics

  • Syntax

  • Morphology

  • Serial Verbs

  • Clause Types

  • Introduction to the Philosophy of Language

  • Language Change and Grammaticalization

  • Anthropological Linguistics

Descriptive Linguistics/Language Documentation

  • Areal Linguistics

  • Typology of Language Families and Areas (Southeast Asia)

  • The Languages of Southeast Asia

  • The Languages of Myanmar - Areal Features and Spread

  • Austroasiatic languages

  • Field methods - Theory and Praxis: Cebuano

  • Field methods - Theory and Praxis: Northern Khmer

  • Field methods - Theory and Praxis: Chin (Teddim)

  • Linguistic Annotation and Analysis (Bwe Karen)

Language Courses

  • The structure of Thai

  • The structure of Mon

  • The structure of Shan

  • The structure of Burmese

  • The structure of Tagalog

  • Thai for Beginners/Intermediary

  • Burmese for Beginners

Courses taught at Universities in Myanmar (2015-2019)

  • Introduction to Linguistics for Anthropologists (Mandalay University)

  • Introduction to Research Methods in Linguistics (Yangon University of Foreign Languages)

  • Introduction to General Linguistics (University of Mawlamyine)

Courses taught at the INALCO, Paris (2008-2011)

  • Initiation à la langue et culture môn 1 et 2 (Introduction to Mon Language and Culture for beginners/intermediary)

Language Teaching and Translations

Over thirty years of experience in classroom teaching and individual lessons, as well as academic, literary, and general translations in

  • Thai

  • Burmese

  • Mon

  • English

  • German

Contact info [AT] mathiasjenny.ch for more information.

သေလော ယထာ ဧကဃနော ဝါတေန န သမီရတိ၊ ဧဝံ နိန္ဒာပသံသာသု န သမိဉ္ဇန္တိ ပဏ္ဍိတာ။

selo yathā ekaghano vātena na samīrati, evaṃ nindāpasaṃsāsu na samiñjanti paṇḍitā. (Dhp. 81)