Creative Cognition Lab

This is the web presence of the Creative Cogition Lab, directed by Mathias Benedek. We investigate the cognitive and neural basis of creative thinking and creativity. The Creative Cognition Lab is a subsection of the Psychology Department at the University of Graz (see University Website). 


2024/06: Keynote at the VPDVP workshop & Psychology, Art and Neuroaesthetics meeting (Rome, Italy) on the Neurocognitive bases of creative thinking 

2024/05: Commentary "On the dual nature of creativity – same same but different? Commentary on “A shared novelty-seeking basis for creativity and curiosity" in BBS now available.

2024/05: New paper on "How workload and availability of spatial reference shape eye movement coupling in visuospatial working memory" in Cognition

2024/04: New papers on JOCB on Instagram and creativity and Metacognition in Creativity

2024/02: New paper on On the relationship between creative potential and creative achievement: Challenges and future directions

2024/01: Invited Talk on Creativity and Intelligence at the VHS Zürich

2023/09: Keynote at the Global Arts and Psychology Seminar

2023/08: Keynote on neurocognitive basis of creative thinking at Brazil Conference of Psychological Assessment

2023/07: New paper in PLREV: A systematic framework of creative metacognition

2023/06: New paper in TSC: Show us what you got!  A cross-cultural comparison of mindset presentation in “…Got Talent!” TV shows 

2023/05: New paper in CRJ: #creativity: Exploring lay conceptualizations of creativity with Twitter hashtags

2023/04: New paper in NRP: The role of memory in creative ideation (publisher, readcube, cover art)

2023/04: Presentation at BioTechMed Science Breakfast on "Creativity - Myths and facts"

2023/03: New paper in Intelligence: The relationship of divergent thinking with broad retrieval ability and processing speed: A meta-analysis

2023/03: Marta Czerwonka joined our lab for three months as part of her NSF grant!

2023/02: New preprint: A systematic framework of creative metacognition 

2023/01: Gaby Hofer joins our lab for a couple of months as post-doc!

2022/12: New paper in NSY: Functional brain activation patterns of creative metacognitive monitoring 

2022/11: New paper in Front: The ambulatory battery of creativity (ABC): Additional evidence for reliability and validity 

2022/11: New paper in PACA: Reliability and validity of a novel ambulatory battery of creativity (ABC)

2022/11: New paper in EP: Ecological momentary assessment of creative ideation: Measuring creative potential in an everyday life context

2022/09: FWF Project "Advancement of Divergent Thinking Assessment (ADTA)" started. Janika Saretzki joined the CCL as PhD student in this project!

2022/09: New paper in CRJ: What’s creative about sentences? A computational approach to assessing creativity in a sentence generation task 

2022/09: Lab talk on role of memory in creative ideation at Schacter Lab, Harvard University.

For previous news, see Archive