
Teaching at Université Côte d'Azur

Introduction to quantum fluids (M2 OAM)

Notion of quantum fluids. Reminders on boson and fermion gases. Gross-Pitaevskii theory of superfluids and Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductors. Introduction to BCS theory. Basics of Luttinger liquids.

Notes de cours        presentation

Introduction to chaos theory (M1 OAM)

Reminder of dynamic systems. Qualitative definition of chaos. Integrable systems. Hamiltonian and dissipative chaos. Horseshoe transformation and strange attractors.

Notes de cours       Lecture notes in English


During my carrier I have been teaching at Université Paris Sud, Université de Genève and Université Côte d'Azur. I gave lectures and tutorials on Statistical physics, Quantum mechanics, Mathematics, Numerical methods for physicists, Special relativity, Wave physics, Mesoscopic physics, Random Matrix Theory, Quantum fluids and Chaos theory.

Méthodes mathématiques pour physiciens (Unige 2009-2011)

Distributions, fonctions de Green, Tenseurs, notions de probabilité et statistique, intégration complexe, théorie des groupes et algèbre linéaire.

Notes de cours