This page last time updated on 09 November 2023

Mathematics numbers Privacy is simple offline and easy to play game designed for people as a free  game.  i care about your privacy and security of your personal information and hence here i am going to create this page to inform visitors regarding to privacy and policy of this game and please remember this privacy only applicable for game "Mathematics game" and every person who want to use this gaming application he should be agree with our all terms and conditions which i have mentioned below please read this all carefully. 

Collecting and sharing personal information : -

We does not collect and share any of your personal and recognizable information to any third parties through this game.

Asking  for permissions : -

This game does not required any special permission to play this game.

Children's privacy :-

This game does not address anyone under the age of 13 and do not collect and share any of their personal and recognizable information to any third parties.

Contact us :-

If you have any doubt regarding to this game or privacy policy mentioned here or if you want to send me some suggestion regarding to improvement in this game then you can contact me on my given gamil address.

gmail -

We may update our privacy policy time to time but don't worry we will notify you by posting new privacy on this page so keep visiting to this page to stay updated with our new privacy policy.