Call for Papers

Submission Instructions

We welcome original full papers and short papers (up to 4 pages). Full papers must not be submitted concurrently to any other journal or conference/workshop with proceedings. Accepted full papers will be part of the MathCrypt 2023 program and published in a special issue of Mathematical Cryptology. Accepted short papers can be presented at the workshop. All submissions must be formatted using the LaTeX style of Mathematical Cryptology. There is no page limit for full papers; short papers are limited to 4 pages. Papers must be submitted as PDF through the EasyChair link here.

Important dates

Submission: 15 June 2023 (AoE) - extended to 22 June 2023

Notification: 15 July 2023

Final journal version: 10 September 2023 (AoE)

Single-page call for papers

The single-page call for papers can be downloaded here.