
Sunday, August 14th

Opening (08:50 - 09:00)

Katherine Stange, Rainer Steinwandt

Session 1 (09:00 - 10:00)

On Cryptographic Hash Functions from Arc-Transitive Graphs [remote presentation]

Shohei Satake and Hyungrok Jo

New Icart-Type Encodings From Elliptic Curve Automorphisms [short paper]

Clémence Chevignard and Mehdi Tibouchi

Coffee Break (10:00 - 10:20)

Session 2 (10:20 - 11:20)

Efficient Supersingularity Testing over F_p and CSIDH Key Validation

Gustavo Banegas, Valerie Gilchrist and Benjamin Smith

The Generalized Montgomery Coordinate: A New Computational Tool for Isogeny-based Cryptography

Tomoki Moriya, Hiroshi Onuki, Yusuke Aikawa and Tsuyoshi Takagi

Lunch break (11:20 - 13:00)

Session 3 (13:00 - 14:00)

A Public-Key Cryptosystem Based on Quantum Stabilizer Codes [remote presentation]

Lubjana Beshaj and Travis Russell

Quantum Money from Quaternion Algebras [remote presentation]

Daniel Kane, Shahed Sharif and Alice Silverberg

Coffee Break (14:00 - 14:30)

Session 3 (14:30 - 15:00)

Mildly Short Vectors in Ideals of Cyclotomic Fields Without Quantum Computers [remote presentation]

Jean-François Biasse, Muhammed Rashad Erukulangara, Claus Fieker, Tommy Hofmann and Willliam Youmans

All talks are approximately 25 minutes long, plus 5 minutes for questions and comments.