Math Club Colloquium

2010 - 2011

Welcome to the Math Club Colloquium pages! Here you will find a record of colloquium talks dating back to 2010. Talks are accessible to a broad audience of students and faculty in mathematics and related disciplines. It is usually held during common hour on Tuesdays from 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm, but the day, time and location does change so please note the details listed by each talk. 

Academic Year 2010 - 2011

Fall 2010

October 28, 2010
Professor Kishore Marathe, Mathematics
Title: Physical Mathematics: old and new

November 4, 2010
Professor Jeff Suzuki, Mathematics
Title: Voting Theory

November 9, 2010 Professor Cirasella, Library
Title: Resources for Homework Help & Research Help
Note: This talk will be held in Library 120

November 16, 2010 Ms. Zavi Baynes, Career Counselor from the Magner Center
Title: Careers in Mathematics and Its Interrelated Fields
Note: This talk is from 12:30 to 1:30pm in Rm 1207 James Hall

November 23, 2010
Professor James Kiernan, Mathematics
Title: Math and Music

Spring 2011

February 24, 2011
Career Panel for math and math education majors
Math Library

March 21, 2011
Professor Sandra Kingan, Mathematics
Title: Matroid Theory
1146 Ingersoll, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

April 6, 2011
Dr. Gunnar Klinkhammer, MAN/AHL Investments
What would it feel like working for the world’s largest quantitative investment management firm?
329 New Ingersoll 3:40 – 4:30pm

April 28, 2011
Professor Grasso, Computer Science
Title: Artifical Neural Networks : Modeling in Robots

May 5, 2011
Professor Thorne, Computer Science
Title: Game Theory

May 10, 2011
Professor Benes, Mathematics
Title: Probability Theory

May 17, 2011
Professor Kingan, Mathematics
Student Presentations